Underdog Fantasy/ Prop bets

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Underdog Fantasy/ Prop bets

Post by MY_TAKE »

I recently became aware that this was actually legal here in Minnesota. I guess I never paid attention before. Of course, I always heard them talking about it on the fantasy channel on Sirius XM. Anyway, yesterday was the first time I started playing with $250 and they matched for $500 worth of possible action. I made a 120 bucks so far. IM not ever gonna put a ton of money out there, but its fun.

Anyway, if anyone else does this it might be fun to post about it. My best money makers yesterday were last night with almost all my plays centered around the idea that the Niners would take care of the Cowboys. Of course, its not as simple as just that but, thats why it might be fun to discuss. I am always looking for more good takes and info :lol:

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Post by MY_TAKE »

If the mods need to move this, I understand. I wasn't really sure where to place this topic. Maybe it doesn't matter 8-)

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Post by APB »

Here is fine.

I don't do much in the way of gambling, though. I already !@#$ too much of my money away...

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