New Features Guide

From Lambeau to Lombardi, Holmgren, McCarthy and LaFleur and from Starr to Favre, Rodgers and now Jordan Love we’re talking Super Bowl Champion Green Bay Packers football. This Packers Forum is the place to talk NFL football and everything Packers. So, pull up a keyboard, make yourself at home and let’s talk some Packers football.

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Post by NCF »

Welcome to the new Forum!!

Most of you are already very familiar with the software and how to navigate the site, but the following is a guide of select cool new features this site offers and a quick explanation of when and how to use them.

Media Embed - Twitter:

Media Embed - YouTube:

Media Embed - Facebook:

Media Embed - Instagram:

Quick Quote:

Multi Quote Tool:

Post Screenshot:

Quick Image Post:

Hide Spoiler Tool:

Save/Load Draft Post Tool:

Simple Mentions:

Media Embed - Other supported media types:

Post Reactions:

Share On Tool:

NFL Team Smilies:

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Media Embed - Twitter:

Add a Tweet to your post:

1) Click on the wedge at the upper right corner of the tweet, 2) select "Copy link to tweet".


3) Paste in your message text field, and submit! You can also use the Media embed button Image , but it's not required.


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Media Embed - YouTube:

Add a Youtube video to your post:

1) Click "SHARE" at the bottom right corner of the video


2) Click "COPY" in the popup window,


3) Paste into your message and submit!


(You can also just copy and paste the Youtube address from your internet browser's address field.)


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Media Embed - Facebook:

Add a Facebook message to your post (this is a bit tricky, blame Mark Zuckerberg):

1) Click the three dots on upper right hand side and then Embed


2) Click "Advanced settings"


3) Copy the address in "URL of post"


4) Paste into your message and submit!


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Media Embed - Instagram:

Add an Instagram post to your post:

1) Click the three dots on upper right side of an instagram post


2) Click "Copy link"


3) Paste into your message and submit!


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Quick Quote:

Use to easily quote only part of post:

Paint a part of a message, and click on the Quote button to open a reply with the selected part quoted.


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Multi Quote Tool:

Use to easily quote multiple posts and add replies to each within a post:

Click the Multi-quote -button to add several messages you want to quote in a "queue", then click "Quote (x)" on the pop-up window to reply to all the quoted messages. Please be reasonable when using this tool.


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Post Screenshot:

Add a screenshot to your post from your clipboard:

Copy a picture or take a screenshot of a part of your screen by using “Windows key Image + Shift + S” and using the tools that open on top of your screen. Paste into your message field with "Ctrl + V". The image will upload in a few seconds and get attached to your post. Be patient and don’t paste more than once, it can take several seconds.

Take a screenshot of your full screen by pressing the "Prt Scr" keyboard button. Paste into your message field with "Ctrl + V".

NOTE: Be careful with what is shown in your full screen screenshots ( avoid :oops: ) - If you want to share your full browser screen, you can go fullscreen by pressing "F11" before taking the screenshot.

To delete your image or images, scroll to the bottom of the page and delete in the attachments section.

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Quick Image Post:

Add images from your computer or mobile device to your post

Click on the i -icon Image, select the image on your computer/mobile device and click "Open". The image is uploaded to and embedded into your post. You can add multiple images at once by selecting several files before clicking "Open".

Large images are automatically fitted to forum window, you can view the original by right-clicking on it and selecting "Open image in a new tab".

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Hide Spoiler Tool:

Add hidden text that can be revealed by clicking on a display box:

Paint part of your message text and click the "hide spoiler" -button Image to add a covered up section like this:
Da Bears Still Suck!

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Save/Load Draft Post Tool:

Start a reply and save it for later before posting:

You can save a draft of an unfinished post by clicking the "Save quick draft" or "Save draft" icons below. You can then leave the forum, and later start another post in the same thread, and load your saved draft by clicking "Load quick draft" or "Load draft". Both quick and normal drafts work essentially the same way, quick draft is easier to use. NOTE: Drafts are thread-specific. You can't save a draft in one thread and load it in another.

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Simple Mentions:

Get another posters attention:

Mention a forum user in your posting using the @ symbol to reference them and that user will receive a notification from the board that you mentioned them. Convenient if you want to make sure someone sees a specific post or if a question is directed to one or more users, in particular.


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Media Embed - Other supported media types:

List of all of the compatible websites with the media embed tool:

The media embed extension doesn't work by file type (like .jpg, .mp3 or .gif), rather it supports direct linking of certain content from select websites. Compatibility may vary. For example, ESPN's videos can be embedded, articles not.

List of all the supported sites here:


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Post Reactions:

Use this to "Like" a post:

Simply click on the Smile button and click on the trophy. Image

You cannot add a reaction to your own post.

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Share On Tool:

Use this to share any post from the forum on social media or other various outlets:

On any post, you have easy share buttons that will allow you to share a post from the forum on social media, such as Twitter or Facebook. Handy to promote high quality posts from the site and make it so friends and followers can find us and join the community.

Simply click on the share buttons. Image

If you are logged in to that outlet type, you should just need to click the post button to finalize the share.

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NFL Team Smilies:

Add NFL Team Smily to any post:

You can do this by going through the smily menu as you would for any smily, but you can also add by bracketing an NFL Team with the ":" symbol.

Code: Select all

Example - :packers: :vikings: :lions: :bears: 
:packers: :vikings: :lions: :bears:

As always, you can also do this with any of the smilies if you know the code, such as:

Code: Select all

:banana: :lombardi: :beer2:
:banana: :lombardi: :beer2:

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