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Re: Packers @ Giants GDT: Monday, Dec. 11th, 7:15 PM CST

Posted: 11 Dec 2023 19:37
by Crazylegs Starks
go pak go wrote:
11 Dec 2023 19:36
I mean what is Ford supposed to do?
Be omniscient and turn ethereal, I guess

Re: Packers @ Giants GDT: Monday, Dec. 11th, 7:15 PM CST

Posted: 11 Dec 2023 19:37
by paco
Jesus what a mess of a game this is so far.

Re: Packers @ Giants GDT: Monday, Dec. 11th, 7:15 PM CST

Posted: 11 Dec 2023 19:37
by BF004
go pak go wrote:
11 Dec 2023 19:36
I mean what is Ford supposed to do?
Nothing, would help if Whelan didn’t shank it 30 yards

Re: Packers @ Giants GDT: Monday, Dec. 11th, 7:15 PM CST

Posted: 11 Dec 2023 19:38
by NCF
go pak go wrote:
11 Dec 2023 19:36
I mean what is Ford supposed to do?
Tell his punter to kick a decent $%@# ball.

Re: Packers @ Giants GDT: Monday, Dec. 11th, 7:15 PM CST

Posted: 11 Dec 2023 19:38
by lupedafiasco
Love so far is really bad.

Re: Packers @ Giants GDT: Monday, Dec. 11th, 7:15 PM CST

Posted: 11 Dec 2023 19:40
by lupedafiasco
Good news is Love is making the right decisions. Bad news is his poor accuracy has resurfaced. Ball placement has been ungodly bad so far.

Re: Packers @ Giants GDT: Monday, Dec. 11th, 7:15 PM CST

Posted: 11 Dec 2023 19:40
by Drj820
I suppose I too am part of the “agenda” crew for pointing out that while Love is off to an inaccurate start; I would run the ball.

Re: Packers @ Giants GDT: Monday, Dec. 11th, 7:15 PM CST

Posted: 11 Dec 2023 19:41
by Crazylegs Starks
It's always a good idea to establish the run!

Re: Packers @ Giants GDT: Monday, Dec. 11th, 7:15 PM CST

Posted: 11 Dec 2023 19:41
by go pak go

We needed a beak.

Re: Packers @ Giants GDT: Monday, Dec. 11th, 7:15 PM CST

Posted: 11 Dec 2023 19:41
by GJPackerBacker
Very cool to hear “GO PACK GO” in the background. :clap:

Re: Packers @ Giants GDT: Monday, Dec. 11th, 7:15 PM CST

Posted: 11 Dec 2023 19:41
by Cdragon
Good stop by the D!

Re: Packers @ Giants GDT: Monday, Dec. 11th, 7:15 PM CST

Posted: 11 Dec 2023 19:41
by NCF
Really nice job by the D there.

Re: Packers @ Giants GDT: Monday, Dec. 11th, 7:15 PM CST

Posted: 11 Dec 2023 19:42
by BF004
Damn, been nice is Nixon could make that tackle behind the Los. Make it much harder FG in this wind

Re: Packers @ Giants GDT: Monday, Dec. 11th, 7:15 PM CST

Posted: 11 Dec 2023 19:42
by go pak go
Troy said it was windy.

I don't see no wind.

Re: Packers @ Giants GDT: Monday, Dec. 11th, 7:15 PM CST

Posted: 11 Dec 2023 19:42
by BF004
BF004 wrote:
11 Dec 2023 19:42
Damn, been nice is Nixon could make that tackle behind the Los. Make it much harder FG in this wind
Didn’t matter :beer2:

Re: Packers @ Giants GDT: Monday, Dec. 11th, 7:15 PM CST

Posted: 11 Dec 2023 19:42
by Pckfn23

Re: Packers @ Giants GDT: Monday, Dec. 11th, 7:15 PM CST

Posted: 11 Dec 2023 19:42
by lulu
Oh, how unfortunate! :banana:

Re: Packers @ Giants GDT: Monday, Dec. 11th, 7:15 PM CST

Posted: 11 Dec 2023 19:42
by Drj820
We have plenty of time to settle down because their offense is trash. Just gotta stop being dumb

Re: Packers @ Giants GDT: Monday, Dec. 11th, 7:15 PM CST

Posted: 11 Dec 2023 19:43
by Cdragon
Now we can at least flip the field if we can't get 7!!!

Re: Packers @ Giants GDT: Monday, Dec. 11th, 7:15 PM CST

Posted: 11 Dec 2023 19:44
by BF004
Drj820 wrote:
11 Dec 2023 19:40
I suppose I too am part of the “agenda” crew for pointing out that while Love is off to an inaccurate start; I would run the ball.
Just the d crew.

But that would be nothing to do with pointing our love has been sailing some balls. :rotf: