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Mmmm.... cheese.

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Post by wallyuwl »

Yoop wrote:
20 Nov 2022 09:30
about 2 months ago the motor on my treadmill was acting up, so instead of just replacing the armature brushes, I gave it to a friend to do and decided I didn't need as big a machine, not like I can run any more, a smaller one to just walk and keep the legs going would be fine, bought one through Amazon, a week later Fed ex was knocking on the door, the carton was ripped half off the machine, so back it went, and a replacement was sent, UPS arrived, same thing, box broken wide open, so it went back too. boy I wish now I'd have simply fixed the motor in the old one :thwap:
This time of year and new years have the best treadmill deals.

Through 23rd Dunhams has a decent one tor your uses on sale. There is a store on GB about 2 miles south of Lambeau, so you could drive to get it instead of paying $200+ shipping for such a large item.
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Post by Yoop »

wallyuwl wrote:
20 Nov 2022 11:02
Yoop wrote:
20 Nov 2022 09:30
about 2 months ago the motor on my treadmill was acting up, so instead of just replacing the armature brushes, I gave it to a friend to do and decided I didn't need as big a machine, not like I can run any more, a smaller one to just walk and keep the legs going would be fine, bought one through Amazon, a week later Fed ex was knocking on the door, the carton was ripped half off the machine, so back it went, and a replacement was sent, UPS arrived, same thing, box broken wide open, so it went back too. boy I wish now I'd have simply fixed the motor in the old one :thwap:
This time of year and new years have the best treadmill deals.

Through 23rd Dunhams has a decent one tor your uses on sale. There is a store on GB about 2 miles south of Lambeau, so you could drive to get it instead of paying $200+ shipping for such a large item.

thanks for the heads up WAlly, you do know that I live 130 miles north of GB, right lol, however if that tight butt Brunette comes with the treadmill I can be on the road at 8 am :lol: I'am also considering the nordi trac T series for 640.00, my local Dunhams is suppose to have a sale the first week of Dec so I've been told. the carbon t7 is a big unit, like the wide belt, even though I don't need it, might go to Dunhams tomorrow and get a look at what my store location has to offer. thanks again, :aok:

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Post by wallyuwl »

There is a Dunhams in Marquette? Go to closer for sure. Sales should be similar I'd think. The brunette would only get you to leave by 8? :lol:

Carbon 7 and T series are similar. Carbon has a better screen than $650 T series, better cushioning system, and as far as I can tell a slightly better motor. Both are good values at $600/$650 respectively.

The Sole F63 is a whole nother level as these two and is a good Black Friday price with free shipping and financing if you need it. It has a considerably better motor and warranty than the other two. Bigger and better belt. Not as good of display as the Pro Form but it does have an integrated tablet holder (a fire tv tablet is like $60). More built in programs and uf you want to do the subscription olan for workouts the one offered by Sole is cheaper than the iFit offered by the other two. Definitely worth a look. ... -Treadmill

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Post by Yoop »

wallyuwl wrote:
20 Nov 2022 22:16
There is a Dunhams in Marquette? Go to closer for sure. Sales should be similar I'd think. The brunette would only get you to leave by 8? :lol:

Carbon 7 and T series are similar. Carbon has a better screen than $650 T series, better cushioning system, and as far as I can tell a slightly better motor. Both are good values at $600/$650 respectively.

The Sole F63 is a whole nother level as these two and is a good Black Friday price with free shipping and financing if you need it. It has a considerably better motor and warranty than the other two. Bigger and better belt. Not as good of display as the Pro Form but it does have an integrated tablet holder (a fire tv tablet is like $60). More built in programs and uf you want to do the subscription olan for workouts the one offered by Sole is cheaper than the iFit offered by the other two. Definitely worth a look. ... -Treadmill
truthfully I'am leaning towards a smaller treadmill that will take up less space, you where right a 16x50 run deck is all I need to walk on, I sold my house and moved into a duplex last spring and my old Merit treadmill with the 18x60 deck took up a lot of space in the 2nd bedroom, .

the Pro form 305 foot print of 30x64 will fit better then the 36x70 and 40 to 50 lb heavier full size mills, and the 305's 2 CHP motor should be plenty for walking or even jogging, at my age walking is about all I can do anyway.

that solo mill is awesome, if I was your age that would be my choice, or the Nordic trac, and actually money wasn't much of a consideration, though I tend to be a tight wad, I can afford either one, specially on sale like that, lis I hope the 305 pro form comes down a couple hundred, it would just give me the feeling I got a bargain :aok:

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Post by wallyuwl »

Anyone tried CBD cream for joint or muscle pain or tightness?

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Post by wallyuwl »

I know some have done intermittent fasting. What protocol(s) did you use and what did you think?

So far on hour 38 just water.

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Post by Captain_Ben »

wallyuwl wrote:
31 Dec 2022 20:41
I know some have done intermittent fasting. What protocol(s) did you use and what did you think?

So far on hour 38 just water.
Wow, 38 hours is impressive. Did you notice any cognitive benefits? For a while I did a 16-8 intermittent fast and increased clarity of thought was the most significant benefit that I noticed. Unfortunately, IFing is not the best thing for my health. I have Gilbert's Syndrome and fasting is one of the things that triggers my jaundice. Otherwise, I would do it regularly.

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Post by wallyuwl »

Captain_Ben wrote:
03 Jan 2023 17:46
wallyuwl wrote:
31 Dec 2022 20:41
I know some have done intermittent fasting. What protocol(s) did you use and what did you think?

So far on hour 38 just water.
Wow, 38 hours is impressive. Did you notice any cognitive benefits? For a while I did a 16-8 intermittent fast and increased clarity of thought was the most significant benefit that I noticed. Unfortunately, IFing is not the best thing for my health. I have Gilbert's Syndrome and fasting is one of the things that triggers my jaundice. Otherwise, I would do it regularly.
I went about 46 hours. Honestly it was because I was in a bad headspace, not really planned. But I was most hungry around the 20 hour mark probably. Started to get a little mentally unclear after the 38 or 40 hour mark. Shocked I didn't get ine of the migraines I often get with long periods of not eating (often in a normal day I won't eat until kate afternoon). But, I have felt better last two days than I normally do. Not the same hunger/cravings I normally have.

Not to get too into it, but had a couple bowel movements today that clearly were good for things, which I am pretty sure we're due to the fasting.

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Post by Captain_Ben »

wallyuwl wrote:
03 Jan 2023 22:19
So far on hour 38 just water.
Wow, 38 hours is impressive. Did you notice any cognitive benefits? For a while I did a 16-8 intermittent fast and increased clarity of thought was the most significant benefit that I noticed. Unfortunately, IFing is not the best thing for my health. I have Gilbert's Syndrome and fasting is one of the things that triggers my jaundice. Otherwise, I would do it regularly.

I went about 46 hours. Honestly it was because I was in a bad headspace, not really planned. But I was most hungry around the 20 hour mark probably. Started to get a little mentally unclear after the 38 or 40 hour mark. Shocked I didn't get ine of the migraines I often get with long periods of not eating (often in a normal day I won't eat until kate afternoon). But, I have felt better last two days than I normally do. Not the same hunger/cravings I normally have.

Not to get too into it, but had a couple bowel movements today that clearly were good for things, which I am pretty sure we're due to the fasting.

What did you end up breaking the fast with? Kelly Slater was on Joe Rogan a few years back and talked about how he does a 5 day fast once a year. He said the same thing that you did about diminished cravings.

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Post by Captain_Ben »

Started off the New Year trying to do a dopamine detox.
No phone within the first hour of waking, and only using phone for work (email, phone call, texts) during the day.
Cutting way back on having background music/podcasts on if I'm not actively listening.
Not drinking excessive coffee.

Already feel more relaxed and that feeling of "popcorn brain" is gone.

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Post by wallyuwl »

Captain_Ben wrote:
04 Jan 2023 12:38
What did you end up breaking the fast with? Kelly Slater was on Joe Rogan a few years back and talked about how he does a 5 day fast once a year. He said the same thing that you did about diminished cravings.
Didn't think about it too much, just had dinner. Bacon cheeseburger (homemade), no bun, and some cut potatoes fried on the stove in olive oil. Could have gone longer but wife was really pushing for me to eat.

The GI cleansing has continued. The hunger is still there but more in the background. I think because I have only been having water and occasional glass milk or coffee, not normal for me. Haven't eaten probably more than 1400 or so calories per day last few days (today was most, ate 2/3 a Costco chicken).

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Post by APB »

They don't give a &%$@ about your health if they can make a buck or two...

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Post by Captain_Ben »

APB wrote:
13 Sep 2023 10:44
They don't give a &%$@ about your health if they can make a buck or two...

Don’t worry, big pharma has lots of pills that will make everything ok- eat whatever you want.

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Post by wallyuwl »

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Post by Waldo »

I'm not sure anyone under 40 has ever heard any of those recommendations. Avoid fat, especially this kind of fat, is so 1980's.

For anyone under 40, unhealthy = processed and/or with added sugar, esp if that sugar is corn syrup.

I joined an adult swim league this summer. I've always been bad at cardio fitness; I show up, but just don't have the motivation to put forth effort for cardio training to actually get faster. Perpetual 30:00 5Ker. Swimming is sort of in-between liss and interval training, short highish intensity cardio. Going great, my motivation is super high to improve. Actual competition starts in a couple of weeks, but we've been practicing now for almost a month. I've always gone it alone fitness-wise, going to practices and following someone else's training plan is so new, yet its pretty much what I needed to actually make any headway at getting better at swimming, lack of structure in previous years prevented any real improvement over the summer.

Twas an experience wearing a racing suit in public the first time. Wee bit skimpier than regular trunks. Sure is nice to swim in tho.

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Post by BF004 »

Doing keto a few years for fun was eye opening about fat. Legit target it now. Just try to limit processed food and sugar. Eat a lot of good carbs, tons of fruit, make a loaf of sourdough bread or bagels or English muffins about once every 3 days for fam, been doing my own kombucha now.

Best I’ve felt in years, energy, stamina, motivation all up.

I’d probably be at my target bmi if I could layoff the spotted cow and knob creek. Only so much will power. 😅


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Post by wallyuwl »

So this is Day 6 post op. Had a shoulder scoped and several procedures done. PT appt #2 is tomorrow. Had done through Bellin in GB (won't mention surgeon), who contracts with packers.

So far so good. Not on any pain meds except Tylenol minimally as needed. Been icing like crazy. In a sling through at least next week. Full motion recovery around Halloween but strength will take longer.

Have bad OA in part of shoulder. Had this done (link below) as one thing to produce cartilage in that area and put off or avoid replacement. Will likely get stem cell too on Sept.

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Post by wallyuwl »

Got flu Sunday. Still feel crummy but at least I am awake during the day today, unlike yesterday.

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Post by Ghost_Lombardi »

I turn 50 in March. Ran a 4:56 mile earlier in the year. Wife wants me to really train and run in some "Masters" 1600s events in the spring.

I don't know. I really only run so I can eat whatever I want whenever I want. For the Masters record I'd need to be around 136 to 144 pounds at 5'9"...I ran the sub 5 around 160 or so.

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