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Re: Rodgers out with covid

Posted: 03 Nov 2021 13:52
by lupedafiasco
NCF wrote:
03 Nov 2021 13:48
lupedafiasco wrote:
03 Nov 2021 13:35
What I can tell is Rodgers said he was vaccinated. I’m sure there had to be proof of vaccination at some point for the claim to be verified by the team and NFL. We already know vaccinated players can catch Covid because of Adams.
Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to be the case. Sounds like he is not vaccinated. The Packers were well aware. Protocols followed. He also pretty deliberately bent his words to make the media think he was vaccinated and that is where the assumption that he was came from.

I know it's no one's business but his own, but as QB of the Green Bay Packers or any NFL player, for that matter, I wish he would have been more up front about it.
If that’s the case I would expect a suspension and loss of draft picks to come down after an end investigation. Could be pretty significant.

Re: Rodgers out with covid

Posted: 03 Nov 2021 13:55
by go pak go
BF004 wrote:
03 Nov 2021 13:50
"Did Mike McCarthy require Influenza vaccinations and what was the locker room like surrounding those times?

We will find out next with Greg Jennings. You're listening to the Herd with Colin Cowherd."

Re: Rodgers out with covid

Posted: 03 Nov 2021 13:55
by paco
lupedafiasco wrote:
03 Nov 2021 13:52
NCF wrote:
03 Nov 2021 13:48
lupedafiasco wrote:
03 Nov 2021 13:35
What I can tell is Rodgers said he was vaccinated. I’m sure there had to be proof of vaccination at some point for the claim to be verified by the team and NFL. We already know vaccinated players can catch Covid because of Adams.
Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to be the case. Sounds like he is not vaccinated. The Packers were well aware. Protocols followed. He also pretty deliberately bent his words to make the media think he was vaccinated and that is where the assumption that he was came from.

I know it's no one's business but his own, but as QB of the Green Bay Packers or any NFL player, for that matter, I wish he would have been more up front about it.
If that’s the case I would expect a suspension and loss of draft picks to come down after an end investigation. Could be pretty significant.
I don't think it will come to that now since the team and NFL knew his status and he followed protocols in the building. Whether he followed out of the building (Halloween party) is still in question so there could be fines that way.

His deception was to the fans and media, but that appears to be it.

Re: Rodgers out with covid

Posted: 03 Nov 2021 13:58
by go pak go
lupedafiasco wrote:
03 Nov 2021 13:52
NCF wrote:
03 Nov 2021 13:48
lupedafiasco wrote:
03 Nov 2021 13:35
What I can tell is Rodgers said he was vaccinated. I’m sure there had to be proof of vaccination at some point for the claim to be verified by the team and NFL. We already know vaccinated players can catch Covid because of Adams.
Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to be the case. Sounds like he is not vaccinated. The Packers were well aware. Protocols followed. He also pretty deliberately bent his words to make the media think he was vaccinated and that is where the assumption that he was came from.

I know it's no one's business but his own, but as QB of the Green Bay Packers or any NFL player, for that matter, I wish he would have been more up front about it.
If that’s the case I would expect a suspension and loss of draft picks to come down after an end investigation. Could be pretty significant.
Yeah it all depends if he simply implied to the media he was vaxxed or if he straight up lied to the NFL.

Part of me thinks the NFL knew. If that is the case, we should be fine. If the NFL didn't know (which I don't know why they wouldn't know), then we will likely be in trouble.

Re: Rodgers out with covid

Posted: 03 Nov 2021 14:12
by YoHoChecko
It's been kind of a fun revelation to get the benefits of being a 7-1 team while also getting the nonstop meme action of a self-hating 1-7 team. What a magical season!

Re: Rodgers out with covid

Posted: 03 Nov 2021 14:15
by Turk's B.B.C.
Even though I hate the term, "It is what it is", it is appropriate in our situation. Pissing and moaning will solve nothing; next man up. I assume Cobb will be preparing for emergency QB duties. He would probably be as effective as any street guy we pick up before Sunday.
As for AR, l like him more than I ever have. I appreciate him being a goat, not a sheep. Too many sheep roaming around the country already. He'll be back to lead us to the Super Bowl.

Re: Rodgers out with covid

Posted: 03 Nov 2021 14:30
by Half Empty
18 posts in a year and half, and they have to look like this? :messedup:

Re: Rodgers out with covid

Posted: 03 Nov 2021 14:35
by Yoop
I remember reading some place that by August the team was 75% vaccinated along with all the coaching and office personal, my question is how where those figures attained? did people have to produce a vaccination card as most employers would require or was it as basic as a simple yes or no answer?

nothing about this makes any sense, why set policy and rules and then allow players to use loop holes to skirt them, and a 15 K fine is a insult, no one dies from steroids, yet the fine for that are harsher :dunno:

Re: Rodgers out with covid

Posted: 03 Nov 2021 14:36
by Madcity_matt
Turk's B.B.C. wrote:
03 Nov 2021 14:15
Even though I hate the term, "It is what it is", it is appropriate in our situation. Pissing and moaning will solve nothing; next man up. I assume Cobb will be preparing for emergency QB duties. He would probably be as effective as any street guy we pick up before Sunday.
As for AR, l like him more than I ever have. I appreciate him being a goat, not a sheep. Too many sheep roaming around the country already. He'll be back to lead us to the Super Bowl.

Well as long as covid doesn't kill him. Allegedly Blake Bortles signing to practice squad to be ready for game to back up Love.

Re: Rodgers out with covid

Posted: 03 Nov 2021 14:38
by paco
Yoop wrote:
03 Nov 2021 14:35
I remember reading some place that by August the team was 75% vaccinated along with all the coaching and office personal, my question is how where those figures attained? did people have to produce a vaccination card as most employers would require or was it as basic as a simple yes or no answer?

nothing about this makes any sense, why set policy and rules and then allow players to use loop holes to skirt them, and a 15 K fine is a insult, no one dies from steroids, yet the fine for that are harsher :dunno:
I don't know for sure, but I find it hard to believe they accept a Yes or No answer.

What loop hole and who skirted them? It's been fairly well established now that the team and NFL knew Rodgers' status and that all rules were followed.

Fines...the NFL has never gotten a handle on fines.

Re: Rodgers out with covid

Posted: 03 Nov 2021 14:40
by go pak go
Yoop wrote:
03 Nov 2021 14:35
I remember reading some place that by August the team was 75% vaccinated along with all the coaching and office personal, my question is how where those figures attained? did people have to produce a vaccination card as most employers would require or was it as basic as a simple yes or no answer?

nothing about this makes any sense, why set policy and rules and then allow players to use loop holes to skirt them, and a 15 K fine is a insult, no one dies from steroids, yet the fine for that are harsher :dunno:
Yeah it's why I don't think the Packers are in danger of any repercussions here.

It looks like the Packers and NFL knew that Rodgers wasn't vaccinated. The only way to know if players are vaxxed themselves is to ask.

I honestly don't know the NFL policy on individual players of not being vaxxed. I do know that after a certain level of infection that the whole team needs to be in Covid mode, which they were last week.

The fines posted earlier in this thread are NFLPA fines and not NFL fines. I don't think we know fully or clearly the NFL rules regarding close contact outside. My guess is is because it is outside, you don't need masking on the sideline, etc. if you are not vaccinated.

MLF seemed pretty confident that the Packers followed all the rules. I believe him.

Re: Rodgers out with covid

Posted: 03 Nov 2021 14:57
by NCF
go pak go wrote:
03 Nov 2021 13:58
Part of me thinks the NFL knew. If that is the case, we should be fine. If the NFL didn't know (which I don't know why they wouldn't know), then we will likely be in trouble.
Several are reporting the Packers and the NFL knew, so the Packers, specifically, should be fine.

Re: Rodgers out with covid

Posted: 03 Nov 2021 15:05
by Yoop
paco wrote:
03 Nov 2021 14:38
Yoop wrote:
03 Nov 2021 14:35
I remember reading some place that by August the team was 75% vaccinated along with all the coaching and office personal, my question is how where those figures attained? did people have to produce a vaccination card as most employers would require or was it as basic as a simple yes or no answer?

nothing about this makes any sense, why set policy and rules and then allow players to use loop holes to skirt them, and a 15 K fine is a insult, no one dies from steroids, yet the fine for that are harsher :dunno:
I don't know for sure, but I find it hard to believe they accept a Yes or No answer.

What loop hole and who skirted them? It's been fairly well established now that the team and NFL knew Rodgers' status and that all rules were followed.

Fines...the NFL has never gotten a handle on fines.
I suppose what upsets me is that Rodgers deceived us using the term " I'am immunized" when actually he wasn't, why lie.

I don't want to derail this thread Paco, other then to say I have strong feelings about the vaccination, and it has nothing to do with politics

Re: Rodgers out with covid

Posted: 03 Nov 2021 15:09
by NCF
Yoop wrote:
03 Nov 2021 15:05
I suppose what upsets me is that Rodgers deceived us using the term " I'am immunized" when actually he wasn't, why lie.
That got me, too, in the heat of the battle this morning. I'm sure by his logic, he didn't lie. He was, however, deliberately misleading because he knew what was being asked of him. Being "immunized", I am sure he will justify, includes homeopathic treatment.

Re: Rodgers out with covid

Posted: 03 Nov 2021 15:36
by lupedafiasco
As a massive Rodgers supporter I find this to be very selfish. To each there own but he was aware of the risk of being unvax'd. The Air Force is currently kicking anyone refusing the vax and I fully support it.

Re: Rodgers out with covid

Posted: 03 Nov 2021 15:38
by packman114
YoHoChecko wrote:
03 Nov 2021 13:18
@packman114 the hate is just like a player who pops positive for marijuana. We all get high and know it's accepted, but we also know the rules.

Rodgers being unvaxxed means that a positive test mandates 10 days out, not just 2 negative tests until you return. It means that if Kurt Benkert tests positive, there's a good chance you miss the game as a close contact, just like Lazard did.

If you are the leader of a team and your job is to play the most important position in football, you are accepting additional risk TO THE TEAM if you don't get the shot.

That's how we can have a thorough discussion of this without the science or the politics. The NFL and NFLPA agreed on rules and protocols. Those rules and protocols basically say, hey, if you don't get vaccinated, there are a lot of extra risks to your ability to play and to your team's ability to put guys on the field.

Those are the rules, like them or not. So Rodgers gets hate for exposing his team to the FOOTBALL risk of missing multiple games. He will be lucky to make it back in time from Seattle (assumed no symptoms, quick negative tests as his body processes it).

Rodgers gambled with his football availability and lost. It's not a personal or private decision at that point. As an NFL football player whose job requires you to be in close contact with 70 people fairly often, it's a choice that impacts everyone. No politics, no science. Just NFL/NFLPA rules. So yeah, people are gonna blame Rodgers for not doing the bare minimum to attempt to avoid this scenario. And he deserves to.
Not when it comes to a person's medical decisions. That's why some guys say give me a shot and go back out to play and others say no thank you. He put his personal medical decisions above the team. That does not make him a bad team leader. That makes him human. The NFL is so hypocritical about this stuff. 70,000 people can be in the stands and they go about their lives afterwards without getting tested. But the players have to live to different standards? This is just the NFL trying to maintain an image in a highly politicized area and probably their legal team playing CYA.

Re: Rodgers out with covid

Posted: 03 Nov 2021 15:41
by BSA
NCF wrote:
03 Nov 2021 15:09
includes homeopathic treatment.
= placebo effect.

Homeopathic "treatments" use minuscule amounts of various substances - the levels are so low that they don't have any pharmacological effect
We can often get the same results with sugar pills. " Thanks for the pill, I am feeling better already Doc !

Back in the real world: For immuno-compromised patients, MDs will sometimes prescribe IVIG- which is a collection of plasma from other patients containing various antibodies. They'll use it for neonates in some cases as well - because their immune systems aren't fully developed

But unless the IVIG came from recently infected COVID patients - it won't do jack diddly squat vs the SARS-COV2 virus. You need specific antibodies for that as opposed to a general immune boost. That's likely why the NFL said no to his request- there's no medical data to support that choice. And a homeopath wouldn't be allowed to prescribe IVIG, that has to come from a licensed MD. And it only lasts a short time - so he'd have to keep dosing to have any protection throughout the season. I don't know what the homeopath promised, but he wasn't getting good advice

It appears he made a really poor decision and now he has to face the music for that decision.
What an unfortunate turn of events. My guess is there are others who made a similar choice - and those players will be outed in the next few weeks as the beat writers ask pointed questions.

Re: Rodgers out with covid

Posted: 03 Nov 2021 16:05
by paco

Re: Rodgers out with covid

Posted: 03 Nov 2021 16:11
by Labrev
Vaccinations may not prevent getting the virus but by all accounts, it lessens the severity of the symptoms

What's done is done, we've lost him for at least a week, quite possibly two. But now what I'm worried about is how he'll look after he comes back. Some guys have had it and it seemed to affect their performance when they got back -- weaker, tiring out more easily, etc.

Dammit Aaron! :x

Re: Rodgers out with covid

Posted: 03 Nov 2021 16:12
by Turk's B.B.C.
packman114 wrote:
03 Nov 2021 15:38
YoHoChecko wrote:
03 Nov 2021 13:18
@packman114 the hate is just like a player who pops positive for marijuana. We all get high and know it's accepted, but we also know the rules.

Rodgers being unvaxxed means that a positive test mandates 10 days out, not just 2 negative tests until you return. It means that if Kurt Benkert tests positive, there's a good chance you miss the game as a close contact, just like Lazard did.

If you are the leader of a team and your job is to play the most important position in football, you are accepting additional risk TO THE TEAM if you don't get the shot.

That's how we can have a thorough discussion of this without the science or the politics. The NFL and NFLPA agreed on rules and protocols. Those rules and protocols basically say, hey, if you don't get vaccinated, there are a lot of extra risks to your ability to play and to your team's ability to put guys on the field.

Those are the rules, like them or not. So Rodgers gets hate for exposing his team to the FOOTBALL risk of missing multiple games. He will be lucky to make it back in time from Seattle (assumed no symptoms, quick negative tests as his body processes it).

Rodgers gambled with his football availability and lost. It's not a personal or private decision at that point. As an NFL football player whose job requires you to be in close contact with 70 people fairly often, it's a choice that impacts everyone. No politics, no science. Just NFL/NFLPA rules. So yeah, people are gonna blame Rodgers for not doing the bare minimum to attempt to avoid this scenario. And he deserves to.
Not when it comes to a person's medical decisions. That's why some guys say give me a shot and go back out to play and others say no thank you. He put his personal medical decisions above the team. That does not make him a bad team leader. That makes him human. The NFL is so hypocritical about this stuff. 70,000 people can be in the stands and they go about their lives afterwards without getting tested. But the players have to live to different standards? This is just the NFL trying to maintain an image in a highly politicized area and probably their legal team playing CYA.
The NFL are the kings of reactive moves and pretending to be proactive. From the Ray Rice incident, to Michael Sam, to George Floyd. They play the sanctimonious saints until the issue is only a distant memory, then it's on to the next "woke" issue that rears its ugly head. Tough to believe a word they say.