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Re: Divisional Round Games

Posted: 21 Jan 2024 18:39
by YoHoChecko
The thing I hate most about losing a Saturday playoff game is how it just sucks the joy out of watching Sunday playoff football.

I'm bored. I'm probably gonna switch to some streaming app tv soon.

Re: Divisional Round Games

Posted: 21 Jan 2024 19:00
by YoHoChecko
This is one of those "I will not let us lose" Josh Allen games.

I expect that to continue to its logical conclusion unless/until it becomes a "I tried to do too much and turned it over three times" Josh Allen games.

Re: Divisional Round Games

Posted: 21 Jan 2024 19:07
by go pak go
YoHoChecko wrote:
21 Jan 2024 18:39
The thing I hate most about losing a Saturday playoff game is how it just sucks the joy out of watching Sunday playoff football.

I'm bored. I'm probably gonna switch to some streaming app tv soon.
I just want the Ravens to win it all.

I want to be convinced that it is their year. If anyone else wins it...I will know we were the team and I don't want to deal with that all offseason.

Re: Divisional Round Games

Posted: 21 Jan 2024 19:19
by Drj820
YoHoChecko wrote:
21 Jan 2024 19:00
This is one of those "I will not let us lose" Josh Allen games.

I expect that to continue to its logical conclusion unless/until it becomes a "I tried to do too much and turned it over three times" Josh Allen games.
NFL wants swift at the Super Bowl bad. He will have to make it not close in second half or funny business with start to show up

Re: Divisional Round Games

Posted: 21 Jan 2024 19:19
by YoHoChecko
go pak go wrote:
21 Jan 2024 19:07
YoHoChecko wrote:
21 Jan 2024 18:39
The thing I hate most about losing a Saturday playoff game is how it just sucks the joy out of watching Sunday playoff football.

I'm bored. I'm probably gonna switch to some streaming app tv soon.
I just want the Ravens to win it all.

I want to be convinced that it is their year. If anyone else wins it...I will know we were the team and I don't want to deal with that all offseason.
I sorta want to see the Bills romp the Lions in the Super Bowl as like a rowdy tortured fanbase free-for-all between the two in which the Lions get beat so badly that their bragging rights for making it that far are diminished.

But otherwise, yeah, Ravens. Most of my friends are Ravens fans and I'd be happy for them, but it's really tough to be happy for football fan friends when you're heartbroken. So in a way I want them to be sad to wallow with me. But I'll get over that.

Re: Divisional Round Games

Posted: 21 Jan 2024 19:23
by Scott4Pack
Let it be known that MVS made a very impressive 30 yard catch today.

Back to your regular programming.


Re: Divisional Round Games

Posted: 21 Jan 2024 19:51
by go pak go
YoHoChecko wrote:
21 Jan 2024 19:19
go pak go wrote:
21 Jan 2024 19:07
YoHoChecko wrote:
21 Jan 2024 18:39
The thing I hate most about losing a Saturday playoff game is how it just sucks the joy out of watching Sunday playoff football.

I'm bored. I'm probably gonna switch to some streaming app tv soon.
I just want the Ravens to win it all.

I want to be convinced that it is their year. If anyone else wins it...I will know we were the team and I don't want to deal with that all offseason.
I sorta want to see the Bills romp the Lions in the Super Bowl as like a rowdy tortured fanbase free-for-all between the two in which the Lions get beat so badly that their bragging rights for making it that far are diminished.

But otherwise, yeah, Ravens. Most of my friends are Ravens fans and I'd be happy for them, but it's really tough to be happy for football fan friends when you're heartbroken. So in a way I want them to be sad to wallow with me. But I'll get over that.
Yeah. First option is to cancel the season. If I ain't happy. Nobody should be happy.

Second option is Kyle Shanahan never wins it. I want that stupid team to never win it. I hate them.

I respect the Ravens so much and how they build teams. But I do like your point of Bills v Lions.

Re: Divisional Round Games

Posted: 21 Jan 2024 19:56
by YoHoChecko
If I didn't live in Ravens land, I'd find it much easier to root for them.

There's something about being surrounded by happy gloating fans that is just difficult to cope with even if you like them and their team just fine.

Re: Divisional Round Games

Posted: 21 Jan 2024 20:08
by BF004
Hate that fumble out of the end zone rule with a passion.

Re: Divisional Round Games

Posted: 21 Jan 2024 20:13
by Scott4Pack
BF004 wrote:
21 Jan 2024 20:08
Hate that fumble out of the end zone rule with a passion.
They absolutely need to change that rule.

Re: Divisional Round Games

Posted: 21 Jan 2024 20:15
by Scott4Pack
Scott4Pack wrote:
21 Jan 2024 19:23
Let it be known that MVS made a very impressive 30 yard catch today.

Back to your regular programming.

And another 30+ yard catch. That's two for him today.

Re: Divisional Round Games

Posted: 21 Jan 2024 20:16
by YoHoChecko
Scott4Pack wrote:
21 Jan 2024 20:13
BF004 wrote:
21 Jan 2024 20:08
Hate that fumble out of the end zone rule with a passion.
They absolutely need to change that rule.
It is the best rule and the only result that makes any sense at all in that circumstance.

You can't lose the ball in the most important area of the field. Period.

Any other outcome gives you zero downside or punishment for losing the ball. Why on EARTH should a team that fumbles the ball automatically get to keep it in any circumstance, let alone in all circumstances? Giving the ball to the offense when it goes out of bounds for 99.9 yards of the field is a gift. It's only fair that for the most important piece of real estate they change possession.

Re: Divisional Round Games

Posted: 21 Jan 2024 20:18
by Drj820
Told you guys. That ball was not in the air. Rigged.

Re: Divisional Round Games

Posted: 21 Jan 2024 20:19
by Scott4Pack
YoHoChecko wrote:
21 Jan 2024 20:16
Scott4Pack wrote:
21 Jan 2024 20:13
BF004 wrote:
21 Jan 2024 20:08
Hate that fumble out of the end zone rule with a passion.
They absolutely need to change that rule.
It is the best rule and the only result that makes any sense at all in that circumstance.

You can't lose the ball in the most important area of the field. Period.

Any other outcome gives you zero downside or punishment for losing the ball. Why on EARTH should a team that fumbles the ball automatically get to keep it in any circumstance, let alone in all circumstances? Giving the ball to the offense when it goes out of bounds for 99.9 yards of the field is a gift. It's only fair that for the most important piece of real estate they change possession.
You could say the same question for the other side too. Why should a defense, who has yielded however many yards to the offense prior to the fumble, gain possession of the ball that they never recovered?

Re: Divisional Round Games

Posted: 21 Jan 2024 20:22
by Scott4Pack
I understand the conundrum when the offense fumbles into the EZ. You can't make a rule that makes it fair for them. But do something that is fair to both sides. Don't award the TD, for sure. Maybe mark the ball back out at the 20 for the offense to retain the ball. Just thinking off the cuff here.

But the league cannot award a defense with possession when they never gained possession of the ball.

Re: Divisional Round Games

Posted: 21 Jan 2024 20:24
by musclestang
I’d be fine if every fumble went to the defense if it wasn’t recovered by the offense. The most important thing on the field is the ball, the most important part of the field is the endzone. Lose it in enemy territory , you’ve lost it. I think it’s a great rule.

Re: Divisional Round Games

Posted: 21 Jan 2024 20:25
by YoHoChecko
Scott4Pack wrote:
21 Jan 2024 20:19
You could say the same question for the other side too. Why should a defense, who has yielded however many yards to the offense prior to the fumble, gain possession of the ball that they never recovered?
Because it is the offense's job to protect the ball. Forcing a fumble is the key part of the fumble. The recovery, based on decades of analysis, is luck. It's random. That's part of the fun of fumbles really, the absolute random unpredictable nature of the recovery.

Giving the ball back to the team that loses control of it every time there is no clear recovery is antithetical to the random, unpredictable nature. Giving a team the ball on the one yard line after they fumbled it in the most crucial area of the field is almost a REWARD. Its a perfectly fine rule. Literally every other rule in the game skews toward the offense. Why are we so precious about protecting the offense from their costly mistakes of putting the ball on the ground? Let there be consequences.

Re: Divisional Round Games

Posted: 21 Jan 2024 20:30
by APB
Scott4Pack wrote: But the league cannot award a defense with possession when they never gained possession of the ball.
You can make the same argument that the offense lost possession and didn’t recover it.

I’m with [mention]YoHoChecko[/mention]. The impetus is on the offense to retain possession. If the defense makes a play causing them to lose possession and it goes through the endzone, they should receive the reward.

Re: Divisional Round Games

Posted: 21 Jan 2024 20:32
by YoHoChecko
The Josh Allen Will Not Let Them Lose energy has really been sapped lately.

And the Josh Allen Tries to Do Too Much and it COsts Them fumble just happened.

But the Bills recovered that fumble and now we're gonna get back in the groove.

Besides, the Chiefs dropped an INT on this drive, so by the rule of the Packers and Bucs, now they will lose.

Re: Divisional Round Games

Posted: 21 Jan 2024 20:33
by wallyuwl
Scott4Pack wrote:
21 Jan 2024 20:13
BF004 wrote:
21 Jan 2024 20:08
Hate that fumble out of the end zone rule with a passion.
They absolutely need to change that rule.