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Re: Real Estate

Posted: 14 May 2020 06:32
by Carl Gerbschmidt
It is getting crazy and I am giddy. There are now 6 showings scheduled for the first day of listing on Monday.

Re: Real Estate

Posted: 14 May 2020 16:20
by Carl Gerbschmidt
Now 8 things are getting real. Would be so awesome to sell in 1 day of showings. Perfect timing to sell. I do have to say the old ranch house has never looked better, but we are exhausted every weekend all day every night after work things to do. Picture day today and still work to do this weekend but 3rd and 3 we got this.

Re: Real Estate

Posted: 15 May 2020 16:25
by Carl Gerbschmidt
8 am till 8 pm Monday a showing every hour.

Re: Real Estate

Posted: 15 May 2020 16:38
by APB
Good for you, Carl!

On a related note, I am 9.5 yrs into a 30 yr note on my current house with 3.75% interest rate. Yesterday, on a whim, I clicked on a Lending Tree ad on a website, took under 5 minutes to add my info, and clicked ENTER. Predictably, within the minute my phone rang and I started fielding refinance offers. By the end of the day I had a written agreement to refinance on a 20 yr note at 2.5% interest with only $1200 origination fee. Did the math and I'll save right around $44k over the life of the loan if I pay it out on schedule, which I won't. Plan is to be done in 15.

Anyway, if any of you are looking to get into a lower interest rate, the time is ripe. So happy with the deal I'm getting.

Disclaimer: I am refinancing a VA loan using the IRRRL Streamline program. Vet status does have some perks.

Re: Real Estate

Posted: 17 May 2020 14:28
by kampmanfan4life
Me and my fiancé have spend quarantine working from home and watching HGTV. Can't wait to buy a house, we have our spreadsheet all set up and should have a very healthy down payment once we get married. Looks like we will be staying in Milwaukee area, but I still have dreams of eventually moving back to Green Bay.

Re: Real Estate

Posted: 18 May 2020 10:56
by Carl Gerbschmidt
8 am showing resulted in an offer coming. Kinda hit me it's real I am going to be moving. It is going to be hard leaving the last time.

Re: Real Estate

Posted: 18 May 2020 11:07
by Pckfn23
Carl Gerbschmidt wrote:
18 May 2020 10:56
8 am showing resulted in an offer coming. Kinda hit me it's real I am going to be moving. It is going to be hard leaving the last time.
Awesome! Hope they go high!

We haven't even put our house on the market yet. Simply called our realtor a week ago and told him our timeline and nothing else. Got a showing the week after Memorial Day already...

Re: Real Estate

Posted: 19 May 2020 14:30
by Carl Gerbschmidt
So we decided to pull the plug at 8 pm tonight, 2 days of listing. Got home last night and every closed door was standing open the corn stove door was open. People are either rude or stupid, don't care if I could get more I am done with people parading thru my house. The place was priced at a point we are more than comfortable with done with the nonsense.

Re: Real Estate

Posted: 19 May 2020 16:07
by BF004
Lol, glad you didn't try to sell your house in a down market where it could take 2+ months of showings instead of 2 days. Granted those sounded like very booked days.

Re: Real Estate

Posted: 19 May 2020 17:58
by APB
Hahaha Carl!

Think of it this way: a year from now you won’t even remember an open door if you maximize your earnings by getting some folks into a bidding war. Let ‘em parade!

Re: Real Estate

Posted: 19 May 2020 23:18
by Carl Gerbschmidt
I am kinda nuts could not deal with people in and out at the ranch after a day I said no more tours. declared 8 tonight over. Got 50 over asking price as is.

Re: Real Estate

Posted: 20 May 2020 02:35
by wallyuwl
Still a sellers market in most places. Has been since 2016. I sold a house that spring in a week in Lexington, KY. The next May we moved for work again and it took two weeks to sell in Aberdern, SD (that sucked selling in a 26k person town in the middle of nowhere when most of the rest of yhe country was a major sellers market). We only got our house in WI (May 2017) because it was not on the MLS (for sale by owner) or it would have been long gone.

Re: Real Estate

Posted: 20 May 2020 06:01
by APB
Carl Gerbschmidt wrote:
19 May 2020 23:18
I am kinda nuts could not deal with people in and out at the ranch after a day I said no more tours. declared 8 tonight over. Got 50 over asking price as is.
That's awesome! Congratulations!

Re: Real Estate

Posted: 20 May 2020 09:31
by BF004
I listen to the Bigger Pockets podcast on real estate every now and then.

Definitely a sellers market at the moment, mostly cause no one is showing their houses. New listings are down about 30% right now year over year (depending on market) and mortgage applications are down about 15-20%, thus net shortage in houses available.

Going to be a critically important summer/fall/winter in terms of rehiring. Quick rebound, we should be fairly well primed for a quick bounce back overall, no hit likely whatsoever to real estate. Very slow rehiring, start getting a few foreclosures, everyone not selling their houses now will want to after its deemed 'safer' and likely flood the market and few will be looking, real estate will take a big hit.

Re: Real Estate

Posted: 20 May 2020 09:33
by BF004
Carl Gerbschmidt wrote:
19 May 2020 23:18
I am kinda nuts could not deal with people in and out at the ranch after a day I said no more tours. declared 8 tonight over. Got 50 over asking price as is.

Told ya it would go fast!!

Congrats! Amazing on the price! :beer2:

Re: Real Estate

Posted: 20 May 2020 10:07
by Carl Gerbschmidt
We had some showings last night so we were at a friends of the wife's for dinner, we were sitting there and wife is getting texts from the realtor and we are both sitting there over whelmed by what was going on so crazy. Felt so good to take that 4 sale sign down, felt so good that people loved the property and had to have it, felt even better that the lake house price was going down too. My house payment will be slightly more but not much.

Re: Real Estate

Posted: 23 May 2020 07:59
by Carl Gerbschmidt
It keeps getting better and better, house inspection passed, well water tested and passed. Against highly improbable odds my septic and drain field passed saving me $20,000. Going up to the Lake today to meet the owners.

Re: Real Estate

Posted: 23 May 2020 08:28
by APB
Carl Gerbschmidt wrote:
23 May 2020 07:59
It keeps getting better and better, house inspection passed, well water tested and passed. Against highly improbable odds my septic and drain field passed saving me $20,000. Going up to the Lake today to meet the owners.
See, now you’re just rubbing it in...


Re: Real Estate

Posted: 23 May 2020 14:22
by Carl Gerbschmidt
So we went up to talk to the people we bought from. I got dressed this morning and made sure I did not wear a Packer shirt or hoodie. We had a nice visit and discussed items that we wanted to purchase, it was really nice all was going well until we headed outside. I went to grab my shoes when the husband noticed the Packer Nikes. His wife said wait till I tell my Dad that you sold our home to a GD Packer fan. I just smiled.

Re: Real Estate

Posted: 26 May 2020 10:29
by Carl Gerbschmidt
Had to have the line from the tank to the house inspected, knew we had tree root issues, camera went up the pipe and found the issue. the roots are in the pipe 12' from the house so new pipe will not impact the landscaping or side walk. The breaks keep coming.