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What are you reading?

Posted: 03 Jun 2022 23:53
by wallyuwl
Thinking of going and rereading Amusing Ourselves to Death, written in 1985 about how tv, etc was basically rotting society. First read it 20 years ago. I think I still have it somewhere.

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: 08 Jun 2022 12:44
by Waldo

Reading the Dawn of Everything.

Only about 100 pages in, but fascinating theory thus far that the critique of Europeans by outsiders prompted a response by Europeans that became the Enlightenment; the part the couldn't be explained away became Liberty. That history has forgotten how important the writing about interacting with native americans was to the development of western civilization. We are better than you because ___ = enlightenment. The concept of individual freedom, liberty, did not exist in Europe until after meeting native americans (and it was the main critique). The lack of it couldn't be explained away, so eventually every European monarchy was overthrown in the name of liberty because the people wanted it.

This book is huge and the writing is tiny, so I'm sure there's a ton more in there. I'm a history junkie, this book is great, a big relook at a lot of fundamental concepts of history we take for granted.

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: 08 Jun 2022 13:33
by BF004
I got sucked into one of my daughters pre-teen series. :oops:

Just got book 3 yesterday that I had pre-ordered for myse.... I mean her, way back in March. :lol:

Plausible sci-fi that is actually incredibly informative and very well researched I gotta say.
Charlie Thorne is a genius. Charlie Thorne is a renegade. Charlie Thorne isn’t going down without a fight.

After tracking down incredible discoveries by Einstein and Darwin, Charlie is back. This time, the great ruler Cleopatra has left behind an extremely valuable and powerful treasure, its location encoded on an ancient stone tablet.

In 30 BCE, Cleopatra and her husband, Marc Antony, lost their war against Octavian for control of the Egyptian Empire. However, Cleopatra knew Octavian was really after the mysterious item that was the source of all her wealth and influence, so she hid it before committing suicide. She left a series of devious clues behind for her children to find it, but they were lost to history…until now.

In a breathless adventure that takes her across the globe, Charlie must fight for her life against ruthless enemies, match wits with Cleopatra, and solve the two-thousand-year-old mystery to prevent the most powerful treasure of the ancient world from falling into the wrong hands.

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: 09 Jun 2022 09:42
by APB

Third book in the Dune series.

The first book gets all the attention but the ensuing books are well worth the read.

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: 09 Jun 2022 10:29
by BF004
APB wrote:
09 Jun 2022 09:42

Third book in the Dune series.

The first book gets all the attention but the ensuing books are well worth the read.
My friend has all the books, lent me the first one, I just can't get past the first few chapters. I heard they are awesome, but I can never get all the names and places straight and I have no idea what I am reading.

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: 09 Jun 2022 10:46
by NCF
BF004 wrote:
09 Jun 2022 10:29
My friend has all the books, lent me the first one, I just can't get past the first few chapters. I heard they are awesome, but I can never get all the names and places straight and I have no idea what I am reading.
Bought the first book, myself. Got to about page 30 two separate times. Same exact problem.

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: 09 Jun 2022 12:45
by TheGreenMan
Have read this year so far:
image.png (891.09 KiB) Viewed 7692 times
Currently working through Joe Abercrombie's #5 for the First Law, Heroes .

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: 10 Jun 2022 14:29
by APB
NCF wrote:
09 Jun 2022 10:46
BF004 wrote:
09 Jun 2022 10:29
My friend has all the books, lent me the first one, I just can't get past the first few chapters. I heard they are awesome, but I can never get all the names and places straight and I have no idea what I am reading.
Bought the first book, myself. Got to about page 30 two separate times. Same exact problem.
Huh. Maybe stick to the picture book edition then...? :mrgreen: ;)

Seriously, I'd maybe first watch the movie then. It covers maybe the first 1/3 of the first book. It'll help identify the characters and places. The story then plays out for you.

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: 16 Jul 2022 11:26
by APB
With all the recent media comparisons to the 1949 released George Orwell classic, 1984, I decided to give it a read.


First of all, it's a good read. The story flows nicely with characters you can relate to and include storylines that are eerily similar to trends in modern day society. The twists and turns are engaging and ultimately the ending leaves you emotionally jarred.

And yes, there are definite modern parallels you can draw from the story written over 70 years ago. Some of it was unbelievably similar! I'm purposefully trying to be vague for those of you who have not read it as to not spoil it.

But anyway, I enjoyed the book and would certainly recommend reading it if you have not already done so.

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: 17 Jul 2022 15:30
by Backthepack4ever
So I audiobook a lot. (I try to read also but audiobook works for drives to work. Don't judge :) )

Currently I'm listening to American Desperado which is about Jon Roberts. Wow some crazy &%$@.

Earlier this year some I enjoyed

Matthew McConaughey's Greenlights was excellent especially narrated by him

Unknown mongol both books. Another fun ride

Can't hurt me by David Goggins wow he's a badass

Slowly working through the classic Andersonville.

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: 17 Jul 2022 15:36
by kampmanfan4life
Simple Path to Wealth by Collins. Looks like I will be teaching Accounting this school year so I will be reading some Accounting textbooks to learn it stuff I know

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: 17 Jul 2022 17:38
by mnkcarp
I also audio book a lot. Did War and Peace a few weeks ago (only 60 hours or thereabouts). Also, the complete works of Mark Twain, which weren't as great as I was remembering.

I love David Duchovny's books. He's an excellent wordsmith although it takes time to get used to his reading - he isn't as animated as most professional readers.

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: 17 Jul 2022 18:42
by Trudge
Been wanting to read 1984 for a while now. I read Animal Farm in 9th grade which was fantastic.

Right now I'm on book 12 of The Horus Heresy, Fallen Angel's. Excellent read if you like 40k.

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: 18 Jul 2022 15:34
by Realist
Trudge wrote:
17 Jul 2022 18:42
Been wanting to read 1984 for a while now. I read Animal Farm in 9th grade which was fantastic.

Right now I'm on book 12 of The Horus Heresy, Fallen Angel's. Excellent read if you like 40k.
I think animal farm was the first book I ever read. I think 9th grade as well. Great book. All the animals now in the new version are transgender which gives it a new twist.

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: 18 Jul 2022 17:50
by BF004
BF004 wrote:
08 Jun 2022 13:33
I got sucked into one of my daughters pre-teen series. :oops:

Just got book 3 yesterday that I had pre-ordered for myse.... I mean her, way back in March. :lol:

Plausible sci-fi that is actually incredibly informative and very well researched I gotta say.
Charlie Thorne is a genius. Charlie Thorne is a renegade. Charlie Thorne isn’t going down without a fight.

After tracking down incredible discoveries by Einstein and Darwin, Charlie is back. This time, the great ruler Cleopatra has left behind an extremely valuable and powerful treasure, its location encoded on an ancient stone tablet.

In 30 BCE, Cleopatra and her husband, Marc Antony, lost their war against Octavian for control of the Egyptian Empire. However, Cleopatra knew Octavian was really after the mysterious item that was the source of all her wealth and influence, so she hid it before committing suicide. She left a series of devious clues behind for her children to find it, but they were lost to history…until now.

In a breathless adventure that takes her across the globe, Charlie must fight for her life against ruthless enemies, match wits with Cleopatra, and solve the two-thousand-year-old mystery to prevent the most powerful treasure of the ancient world from falling into the wrong hands.
More off my daughters recommendation list. \

On book 2 of the City of Ember triology, book 1 was pretty intense.

Just found out book 1 was a movie in 2008 starring Bill Murray as the mayor. :lol: Gunna have to find out how to watch that.

But quoted, I would recommend Charlie Thorn, fantastic series for all ages,

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: 18 Jul 2022 18:10
by Pckfn23
Don't watch it! ;)

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: 18 Jul 2022 21:11
by APB
Backthepack4ever wrote:
17 Jul 2022 15:30
So I audiobook a lot. (I try to read also but audiobook works for drives to work. Don't judge :) )

Currently I'm listening to American Desperado which is about Jon Roberts. Wow some crazy &%$@.

Earlier this year some I enjoyed

Matthew McConaughey's Greenlights was excellent especially narrated by him

Unknown mongol both books. Another fun ride

Can't hurt me by David Goggins wow he's a badass

Slowly working through the classic Andersonville.
I downloaded Unknown Mongol on my Kindle for the work trip I’m on this week. Already finished it. Just downloaded pt 2 earlier this evening. :aok:

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: 19 Jul 2022 09:39
by TheGreenMan
image.png (83.07 KiB) Viewed 7550 times

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: 19 Jul 2022 12:53
by Captain_Ben ... rReviews

Ordered this and am supposed to receive it today. My earliest memories as a Lakers fan were of the Shaq-Kobe duo. I was too young to really have any kind of legitimate perspective about how things unfolded and why exactly it all unwound. I like Pearlmann as an author- Gunslinger (about Favre) was outstanding. Really looking forward to reading this.

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: 21 Jul 2022 18:30
by APB
Finished the second Unknown Mongol book. Neither book will win any literary awards but they are fun reads. Some crazy dudes involved in those motorcycle clubs back in the 90’s-2000’s!

Am now I’m on to The Martian by Andy Weir.

I must admit, I wasn’t terribly hyped about starting this book mainly because I didn’t think the movie was all that good. Based upon book reviews and awards, though, I decided to give it a shot.

I’m about 1/3 through and boy am I glad I did! The Mark Watney character in the book is fun, brilliant, sometimes hapless, and hilariously crude as he navigates his way through survival on the Red Planet - all things not conveyed by Matt Damon in the screen portrayal. The story, too, just reads so much better than the big screen is able to convey.

As I said, I’m only 1/3 of the way through but I already give it a big thumbs up and highly recommend.