2023 KC Draft

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2023 KC Draft

Post by Backthepack4ever »

Hey y'all. I don't think I shared my KC draft exp. Taking a new Position last August I haven't been as active here as I was but I'm still dropping in daily.

Anyway KC draft 2023:

This was my 2nd trip to KC. After the draft in Vegas was cancelled the boys and I said let's still plan something so randomly we choose a music fest in KC that Sept. It was cancelled last sec (thanks COVID) but we went anyway for a BBQ tour. Long story not relevant but we met great ppl at a bar called the zoo that we would return this year to hang with.

Flying rdu to Detroit at 5am Mazi smith was on my flight. Different class of course 😅. Also was Detroit brass that want to make the Detroit draft the best they can and we're meeting the city of KC to learn (pretty cool).
My friend from Wisconsin scooped me up from the airport and since our other friend from AZ was a few hours delayed we found an empanada joint that was out of this world right next to the airport. I think we tried them all!!!

Then we hit a dispensary while we waited. (The pots and me not a thing. I can count on 2 hands how many times I've been high but each draft they find a way to get me to partake once ha. I hallucinate every time for their enjoyment smh).
Great ppl at the dispensary they actually gave us a list of restaurants to visit which we hit a few and they were top notch.

We rented an Airb&b like normal in a nice neighborhood in north KC. About 10 mins from dt festivities. Perfect.

Wed night we hit our old haunt the zoo to see the group we met a few years before. What a dive bar gem. Sweet ppl that treated us like family. There is nothing like Midwest hospitality and that's the truth

Free concerts at KC Live which is a open air music joint in between like eight bars downtown really nice setup. Lainy Wilson was playing.
I guess she coming up in todays country stuff

Thursday. The draft was at union station the is below the WW1 museum property. (The museum is a must btw. Just not this trip). Great setup tons of room with a natural stage drop. We always walk through spend the day and get out by 6 before the draft. (We are vets want a bar and watch on TV ha). Hit a few joints and settled in at country road ice house and kinda never left that place for 3 days. Awesome staff met great ppl. They took care of us. Partied with awesome bears fans. The bar actually saved our bar seats each day ha.

We met Annie Agar (yea someone told me on here to get a gf haha. I'm married). That lady was the coolest down to earth no ego I've ever met. Plus she's a die hard packer fan from Detroit that played college sports. She has hung out with all the pros (at Kelce s concert the night before) and hung out with us turkeys for 6 hrs. During those 6hrs Mike Tomlin's cousin and his wife were apart of our party. Awesome couple that live in DC. We have since been in contact for a game.

Atmosphere and drinks top notch

My Wisconsin buddy is a big disc golfer so we engage and went 2x in KC area. Wow the 1st course was so fun I suggested let's play another the next day. It wasn't as awesome but the 5 miles of walking was well enjoyed. disc golf is pretty cool.

Food spots some barbecues hit and miss but overall great

Found a burger joint/used tire shack that has been in biz since the 40s and it just a damn good greasy delight
Westwood historic area had a great beer and breakfast joint. Plus the history.

Logistics awesome
Planning really good
Set up really good
Complaints. Only one is the Uber drivers said their routing changed but the minute and was confusing but for us they were quick and got us closer then many previous drafts

Ranking top 3
Nashville was a 9.9
KC is next was a strong 8.2
Dallas 8.0

Sorry for the ramble

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Post by Packfntk »

That is awesome. Yeah, heard Nashville killed it. Love that town, but I loved KC as well. Can’t wait to finally get to be at a draft.

Annie is one of my fav’s. Love her, and great to hear that she’s cool in real life.

Thanks for the review, glad you had fun!
Wisconsin Cheese Is Better Than California Cheese!

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