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Josh and Jordy

Posted: 01 Sep 2023 13:27
by RingoCStarrQB
Josh's and Jordy's Packers Hall of Fame speeches are on the internet now. Heck yes they both cried. Go Pack!

Re: Josh and Jordy

Posted: 01 Sep 2023 13:33
by BF004

Re: Josh and Jordy

Posted: 01 Sep 2023 13:49
by RingoCStarrQB
BF004 wrote:
01 Sep 2023 13:33
Check out the sweat shirt (Gotham City Football Club). Traitor! :idn:

Re: Josh and Jordy

Posted: 01 Sep 2023 14:11
by TheSkeptic
RingoCStarrQB wrote:
01 Sep 2023 13:27
Josh's and Jordy's Packers Hall of Fame speeches are on the internet now. Heck yes they both cried. Go Pack!
Worth watching. Josh has lost a lot of weight. Jordy looks like he is still 28.

Re: Josh and Jordy

Posted: 02 Sep 2023 07:09
by Scott4Pack
Jordy OWNED the sideline more than any WR I recall ever seeing. He mastered the back shoulder catch. He had superb balance and reach to be able to catch the ball where no defender could defend. And he wasn’t even too bad across the middle of the field (when our QB would throw it there).

I loved hearing announcers talk about how he was “sneaky fast” all the time. Some of them were honest to insist that, “No, Jordy is just FAST.”

Of all the guys that we had in that bunch (Jennings, Jones, Driver), I felt like Jordy was the most likely to produce the explosive play.

He never made anything about himself. Always humble. He let his work speak for him.

Re: Josh and Jordy

Posted: 05 Sep 2023 06:29
by musclestang
I tailgated with Jordy's father in MN actually. Looks like Jordy, only much shorter :). Nice guy. That was the highlight of the weekend, Rodgers got his clavicle snapped that game.

I was always a Sitton fan, great player. Loved his interviews. Just kind of said it how it was with a side of sarcasm sometimes. It is amazing how those guys loose a man's worth of size when they're done playing. It doesn't make me wonder how they got so big, but I do hope they're ok for it after they're done. Afterall, it is for our enjoyment.

and I don't think Rodgers ever forgot about throwing over the middle. I think it had more to do with they guys he had to throw over the middle too. Recently guys like St. Brown who was never available, MVS who was more valuable downfield early in his development, Amari or Degurara etc. The middle is dangerous and if you have guys who can never be relied upon, why would you go there? I wouldn't. Never seemed to keep him from hitting guys like Adams, Lazard or earlier Driver, Jones, Jennings, Jordy, Cobb with regularity. There was a definite discrepancy in the level of receiver he had to throw to later in his career in GB.

Re: Josh and Jordy

Posted: 05 Sep 2023 06:35
by RingoCStarrQB
musclestang wrote:
05 Sep 2023 06:29
I tailgated with Jordy's father in MN actually. Looks like Jordy, only much shorter :). Nice guy. That was the highlight of the weekend, Rodgers got his clavicle snapped that game.

I was always a Sitton fan, great player. Loved his interviews. Just kind of said it how it was with a side of sarcasm sometimes. It is amazing how those guys loose a man's worth of size when they're done playing. It doesn't make me wonder how they got so big, but I do hope they're ok for it after they're done. Afterall, it is for our enjoyment.

and I don't think Rodgers ever forgot about throwing over the middle. I think it had more to do with they guys he had to throw over the middle too. Recently guys like St. Brown who was never available, MVS who was more valuable downfield early in his development, Amari or Degurara etc. The middle is dangerous and if you have guys who can never be relied upon, why would you go there? I wouldn't. Never seemed to keep him from hitting guys like Adams, Lazard or earlier Driver, Jones, Jennings, Jordy, Cobb with regularity. There was a definite discrepancy in the level of receiver he had to throw to later in his career in GB.
This has been a great area of concern of one of our regular posters for a couple of years now. It was primarily attributed to Gutey's draft acumen.

Re: Josh and Jordy

Posted: 05 Sep 2023 08:28
by Cdragon
RingoCStarrQB wrote:
05 Sep 2023 06:35
musclestang wrote:
05 Sep 2023 06:29
I tailgated with Jordy's father in MN actually. Looks like Jordy, only much shorter :). Nice guy. That was the highlight of the weekend, Rodgers got his clavicle snapped that game.

I was always a Sitton fan, great player. Loved his interviews. Just kind of said it how it was with a side of sarcasm sometimes. It is amazing how those guys loose a man's worth of size when they're done playing. It doesn't make me wonder how they got so big, but I do hope they're ok for it after they're done. Afterall, it is for our enjoyment.

and I don't think Rodgers ever forgot about throwing over the middle. I think it had more to do with they guys he had to throw over the middle too. Recently guys like St. Brown who was never available, MVS who was more valuable downfield early in his development, Amari or Degurara etc. The middle is dangerous and if you have guys who can never be relied upon, why would you go there? I wouldn't. Never seemed to keep him from hitting guys like Adams, Lazard or earlier Driver, Jones, Jennings, Jordy, Cobb with regularity. There was a definite discrepancy in the level of receiver he had to throw to later in his career in GB.
This has been a great area of concern of one of our regular posters for a couple of years now. It was primarily attributed to Gutey's draft acumen.
While he always played it safe and often when he went over the middle he'd only throw it where his guy could catch it, giving up the YAC. I think AR really cut back on short slants over the middle after Cobb had his leg taken off. Unlike Favre who would get a laugh out of breaking his receivers fingers in practice, I think AR cared about not getting his receivers killed.

Re: Josh and Jordy

Posted: 05 Sep 2023 10:00
by musclestang
yeah, I attribute some to both of those reasons too, and the fact he had a couple injuries tossed in there. the shoulder one year and coming back, i'm sure that affected mechanics and then he had that knee injury he played all year on, but nobody really said anything, but it was forward knee and he couldn't really step in and drive the ball that year like he used to.

all those things added up to what we saw recently.

Re: Josh and Jordy

Posted: 07 Sep 2023 11:00
by Yoop
musclestang wrote:
05 Sep 2023 06:29
and I don't think Rodgers ever forgot about throwing over the middle. I think it had more to do with they guys he had to throw over the middle too. Recently guys like St. Brown who was never available, MVS who was more valuable downfield early in his development, Amari or Degurara etc. The middle is dangerous and if you have guys who can never be relied upon, why would you go there? I wouldn't. Never seemed to keep him from hitting guys like Adams, Lazard or earlier Driver, Jones, Jennings, Jordy, Cobb with regularity. There was a definite discrepancy in the level of receiver he had to throw to later in his career in GB.
agreed, why/how would one of the most accurate passers in the league quit throwing inside, well obviously a mis cue is a easier pick in a more heavily defended area, and if ya lack chemistry or talented receivers the odds get worse, which has been the case here for years, if a player lacks the aggressive go get it attitude of Lazard, or the maneuverability of Cobb the coach wont design a lot of inside routes because he doesn't have the receivers that support them.

2017 Rodgers was complaining that we no longer had receivers that make McCarthy's iso vert routes work, so Guty drafted 3 mid round very raw receivers, who basically where no help in 2018, so Guty fired the coach

with that logic, if the transmission goes caput on the car, ya change the muffler :rotf:

Re: Josh and Jordy

Posted: 07 Sep 2023 12:19
by Labrev
Yoop wrote:
07 Sep 2023 11:00
2017 Rodgers was complaining that we no longer had receivers that make McCarthy's iso vert routes work
"Complaining" requires spoken statements. Do you have a single 2017 quote of Rodgers complaining about the talent/ability of the receivers to run MM's plays? Just one. Or is this just more delusional headcanon?

Re: Josh and Jordy

Posted: 13 Sep 2023 14:28
by NCF
Hadn't seen this before, but what a strong tribute from the ol' ball coach.

Re: Josh and Jordy

Posted: 13 Sep 2023 16:19
by go pak go
NCF wrote:
13 Sep 2023 14:28
Hadn't seen this before, but what a strong tribute from the ol' ball coach.

I love Mike McCarthy so much.

That just hit all the feels.

Re: Josh and Jordy

Posted: 14 Sep 2023 10:12
by musclestang
Very nice tribute by an excellent coach.