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No 2020 season - 2021 Draft?

Posted: 02 May 2020 12:19
by paco
I know there has been some talk in the media about this. Not sure if its been touched on here in the last week or so. So I'm posing the question. Should the worst happen (and I don't think it will) and there is no 2020 NFL season; How will the 2021 draft order be determined?

I'm curious on folks thoughts here. I don't think there is a good way to do it but what is most fair? A few options...

*Keep the same draft order as 2020
I think this is the worst option. Not fair giving the Bengals top pick again.

*Average out the last 3 years 1st round draft spots and order them that way. Ties you do a coin flip (NFL likes those). Then flip it for the 2nd round. Starting 3rd round it stays like the 1st (don't snake the whole thing).
Interesting idea. Teams who have been generally bad get toward the top. Gives a bit of a bonus to bottom teams in the 2nd round. But there are downfalls. If teams have been poor for 3 years, this might be the time they rise to the top and now you are giving them a higher pick.

Can do it NBA style and weight things or flat out pull names out of a hate. Completely random so you can't really argue about it.

Hit me, what are your ideas?

Re: No 2020 season - 2021 Draft?

Posted: 02 May 2020 18:09
by lupedafiasco
Theres no way the season wont happen at all. Idk Im not home to see how all this &%$@ is. Its all hear say for me but I cant imagine the season not happening. More than likely a shortened season or it will be postponed.


Re: No 2020 season - 2021 Draft?

Posted: 02 May 2020 19:04
by Labrev
lupedafiasco wrote:
02 May 2020 18:09
Theres no way the season wont happen at all. Idk Im not home to see how all this &%$@ is. Its all hear say for me but I cant imagine the season not happening. More than likely a shortened season or it will be postponed.


As to the OP, I think averaging things out over a fairly recent time-frame is the best option listed. I would also muse with the idea of a snake-draft but meh.

Re: No 2020 season - 2021 Draft?

Posted: 02 May 2020 21:04
by wallyuwl
Does this forum have an option to "like" a post?

Re: No 2020 season - 2021 Draft?

Posted: 02 May 2020 22:13
by paco
As usual my topics go nowhere.

Re: No 2020 season - 2021 Draft?

Posted: 02 May 2020 22:19
by Pckfn23

Re: No 2020 season - 2021 Draft?

Posted: 02 May 2020 23:19
by YoHoChecko
Use the supplemental system...

three tiers, lottery within tiers.

5 or less wins - tier one
more than 5, but no playoffs - tier two
playoff teams - tier three

Re: No 2020 season - 2021 Draft?

Posted: 03 May 2020 08:32
by BF004
wallyuwl wrote:
02 May 2020 21:04
Does this forum have an option to "like" a post?
Sure does!

Check out the new features guide.


Re: No 2020 season - 2021 Draft?

Posted: 03 May 2020 09:18
by TheSkeptic
There will be a season. Count on it. However there will be no one in the stadiums except the players, coaches and TV crew. And as a result, the league will directly lose about 40% of its revenue. Cut the cap by 40% and now you know why the Packers drafted Love.

As for TV revenue, viewership will be up but who is going to buy the advertizing? Certainly not Toyota GM and Ford, their sales for this year will be down 75%.

Re: No 2020 season - 2021 Draft?

Posted: 03 May 2020 14:25
by NCF
The topic is what to do about the 2021 Draft it there is no 2020 season. Can we get back to that, please?

Re: No 2020 season - 2021 Draft?

Posted: 03 May 2020 14:37
by kampmanfan4life
I think we will have some form of football, but I only like the averaging option if it comes down to it.

Re: No 2020 season - 2021 Draft?

Posted: 03 May 2020 15:19
by Foosball
Packers should get the top pick.

Re: No 2020 season - 2021 Draft?

Posted: 03 May 2020 16:14
by BF004
Should probably look at like the trade value charts and find a way to balance a draft order as much as possible.

Whoever picks 32 could never match #1 in value, so probably would have to add something extra, like some 1 year only league funded extra cap dollars.

Pick 32 could maybe get an extra 10 or 20 million on 2021 use it or lose it cap dollars from a league pool.

Is there anything else they can do to try to make it even for all 32 teams?

Re: No 2020 season - 2021 Draft?

Posted: 04 May 2020 08:28
by flapackfan
If there is not an NFL season, that would most likely mean there won't be college ball either. Making evaluating talent the true issue. The top tier prospects are probably identifiable, (even though we all know nothing is a given)but at some point you are going to only have combine type numbers and interviews to rely on using.

Re: No 2020 season - 2021 Draft?

Posted: 04 May 2020 08:52
by Scott4Pack
Different sport, but maybe you could draft like this.

:messedup: 8-)

Re: No 2020 season - 2021 Draft?

Posted: 15 Jun 2020 11:43
by Waldo
This is suboptimal

Re: No 2020 season - 2021 Draft?

Posted: 16 Jun 2020 09:52
by Mendeleev
The NHL had a similar problem in 2005, and I think it is interesting what they did.
The order of draft picks was usually determined by team performance in the previous season, with teams picking in the same order in each round (modified by any trading of draft picks). However, the lockout had led to the complete cancellation of the 2004–05 NHL season, so there were no final positions to base the draft order on. The new CBA modified the draft procedures accordingly.

The order of picks in the first round was determined by a weighted lottery. In the second round this order was reversed, so the team with the 30th pick would also receive the 31st pick, whilst the team with first overall pick would not pick again until the 60th pick (last pick in the second round). The order would continue alternating in each subsequent round, producing a 'snaking' order.[1] Teams were permitted to trade their draft picks as usual, which led to some modifications to the order.

The new CBA reduced the draft length to seven rounds, compared to the nine rounds used previously. As a result, 230 players were selected.

Re: No 2020 season - 2021 Draft?

Posted: 16 Jun 2020 10:06
by BF004
Picks 1 and 64 >>>>>>>>> picks 32 and 33.

At least in football, you would have to do something more.

Re: No 2020 season - 2021 Draft?

Posted: 16 Jun 2020 11:02
by Mendeleev
BF004 wrote:
16 Jun 2020 10:06
Picks 1 and 64 >>>>>>>>> picks 32 and 33.
That holds more true in the NHL than in football. The number one overall prospect that year was Crosby, and there hasn't been a comparable prospect in the NFL in the last 20 years.

Re: No 2020 season - 2021 Draft?

Posted: 16 Jun 2020 11:17
by HeavyD
If there is no NFL season, that likely means there will be no NCAA season. So how does the NCAA treat eligibility? Does every college player get the option to roll over one year of eligibility as well as have the option to enter the draft? It seems to me that the possibility of a less robust draft pool is real because the best young underclassmen who would have declared normally won't have the game film to support the decision.

A random lottery could result in the Super Bowl Champs getting the first pick in the draft - unfair.
Using same order as last year means the Bengals and other bad teams would get a double bump of talent without actually proofing they suck - unfair.

It seems to me the best is to do a three-year blended record.

Man, I hope it doesn't come to that.