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Rank the Roster 2020: #6

Posted: 05 May 2020 07:40
by Waldo
Rank The Roster: 2020 Edition

1. Aaron Rodgers (48%)[--]
2. Za'Darius Smith (70%)[+5]
3. Aaron Jones (43%)[+3]
4. Davante Adams (45%)[--]
5. David Bakhtiari (59%)[-3]
6. Current

Percent of vote the winner got will be in parenthesis, position change vs. 2019 will be in brackets.

Here's how this works:

Each day there is a new thread/poll, starting at #1, on down to whereever we get. The whole point of this exercise is to have something to talk about in the lean news months to carry us to camp. Each poll will be open for voting for 24 hours. New threads will only be created on weekdays. Ties will cause a runoff poll.

Simply voting is not enough!

Post why you voted for who you did and provide a player to add to the next poll (every poll will be a list of 10 guys, a new player is added to the list each day).

Here's the thing. There is no criteria. This is an exercise to foster discussion therefore there are no clear criteria for ranking. Who is better right now? Who will have the best season? Who was better last year? Sort of a combo of them all? Do you take positional value into account? It really doesn't matter.

Previous Years:
Rank the Roster: 2014-2019

Re: Rank the Roster 2020: #6

Posted: 05 May 2020 07:43
by NCF
This should be nearly unanimous.

Re: Rank the Roster 2020: #6

Posted: 05 May 2020 07:46
by Waldo
I assume this is going to be pretty much a 100% layup for Clark here, strong tier line.

On deck (in no particular order) - Turner, Wagner, Lazard, Funchess, Lowry, Kirksey, Burks, MVS, EQSB, Dillon

Who has the early lead for CB #3? Jackson, Hollman, or do we call Greene our 5th DB?

Re: Rank the Roster 2020: #6

Posted: 05 May 2020 07:47
by NCF
Waldo wrote:
05 May 2020 07:46
Who has the early lead for CB #3? Jackson, Hollman, or do we call Greene our 5th DB?
I'd say based on where we ended last year, its unequivocally Chandon Sullivan.

Re: Rank the Roster 2020: #6

Posted: 05 May 2020 08:13
by BF004
Surprised Kenny is lasting this long on a contract year, the youngest and maybe only still ascending player in the top 6. 24 is young for DL, just beginning to enter his prime years, whereas Aaron Jones at 25 is already on the downside of his RB career. :lol:

Re: Rank the Roster 2020: #6

Posted: 05 May 2020 08:14
by BF004
BF004 wrote:
05 May 2020 08:13
Surprised Kenny is lasting this long on a contract year, the youngest and maybe only still ascending player in the top 6. 24 is young for DL, just beginning to enter his prime years, whereas Aaron Jones at 25 is already on the downside of his RB career. :lol:

Jaire next, not sure after him.

Leaning King, could be talked into Linsley or Elgton I think.

Think Preston and the safeties might be a click below.

Re: Rank the Roster 2020: #6

Posted: 05 May 2020 08:16
by salmar80
To have 5 players at or above Kenny Clarks' ability feels good, man. :jam:

Re: Rank the Roster 2020: #6

Posted: 05 May 2020 08:33
by NCF
Interesting that we will end up with the same exact Top-7 as last year, but there has been a fair amount of shuffling among that group.

Re: Rank the Roster 2020: #6

Posted: 05 May 2020 08:46
by Packfntk
This may be the first 100% vote this late, but I am too lazy to go back to the old forum and look. :lol:

Re: Rank the Roster 2020: #6

Posted: 05 May 2020 09:03
by Waldo
Packfntk wrote:
05 May 2020 08:46
This may be the first 100% vote this late, but I am too lazy to go back to the old forum and look. :lol:
The link in the top post contains the lists for all years pulled over from the old forum.

Re: Rank the Roster 2020: #6

Posted: 05 May 2020 09:06
by Packfntk
Waldo wrote:
05 May 2020 09:03
Packfntk wrote:
05 May 2020 08:46
This may be the first 100% vote this late, but I am too lazy to go back to the old forum and look. :lol:
The link in the top post contains the lists for all years pulled over from the old forum.
Well I guess I rarely look at the OP except for the rankings. I feel dumb. :lol:

Well we could make history, looks like there has only been one 100% ever, and it was in 2015 (AROD)

Re: Rank the Roster 2020: #6

Posted: 05 May 2020 12:07
by TheGreenMan
Clark for sure. He's such a difference maker in the middle of the defense, and it really shows when he's not there. Or playing injured, which I believe he was doing last year.

Re: Rank the Roster 2020: #6

Posted: 05 May 2020 12:09
by TheGreenMan
I don't have a clue who I would throw up on the poll next though... Lazard? Kirksey?

Re: Rank the Roster 2020: #6

Posted: 05 May 2020 12:23
by BF004
TheGreenMan wrote:
05 May 2020 12:09
I don't have a clue who I would throw up on the poll next though... Lazard? Kirksey?
Polls now do allow for up to like 20 options, or 25, could even go higher.

[mention]Waldo[/mention] if you don't feel like updating it every time, might be a hair less labor intensive to add like 3-5 only every once in a while.

Re: Rank the Roster 2020: #6

Posted: 05 May 2020 12:58
by Waldo
At first my thinking was to keep it as it has always been, but heck might as well take advantage of the new forum software. It will make it easier, and I certainly would have used more back when I first started doing this.

Re: Rank the Roster 2020: #6

Posted: 05 May 2020 14:06
by Labrev
NCF wrote:
05 May 2020 07:47
Waldo wrote:
05 May 2020 07:46
Who has the early lead for CB #3? Jackson, Hollman, or do we call Greene our 5th DB?
I'd say based on where we ended last year, its unequivocally Chandon Sullivan.

And, Clark again for me.

Re: Rank the Roster 2020: #6

Posted: 05 May 2020 14:36
by wallyuwl
Just kind of hit me: looking at that list, this team is not very good. Only six "red" or higher guys.

Re: Rank the Roster 2020: #6

Posted: 05 May 2020 14:36
by TheSkeptic
The man who should have been and easy choice for #4 is #6. Does not really matter of course, the Packers are going to resign him soon for a boatload of money.

Not sure who I will vote for next, between Amos, Smith and Linsley

Re: Rank the Roster 2020: #6

Posted: 05 May 2020 14:39
by Pckfn23
These are blues. Maybe with the exception of Rodgers. We haven't got into the reds yet.

Re: Rank the Roster 2020: #6

Posted: 05 May 2020 14:44
by TheSkeptic
Pckfn23 wrote:
05 May 2020 14:39
These are blues. Maybe with the exception of Rodgers. We haven't got into the reds yet.
Yup. even after Clark there are still blues in this list