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Bears Fans

Posted: 16 May 2024 19:54
by Papa John
Because their team has been such hot garbage for, basically, a whole generation, it's easy to forget how insufferable these little $%@# truly can be. In the wake of this year's draft, they seem unusually sprightly. Don't kid yourself, these FIB's are just dying for a reason to run their mouth. They are the fan base that I hate the most, bar none. Can't wait until be stomp their asses again this season. $%@# 'em.

Re: Bears Fans

Posted: 16 May 2024 20:07
by wallyuwl
Papa John wrote:
16 May 2024 19:54
Because their team has been such hot garbage for, basically, a whole generation, it's easy to forget how insufferable these little $%@# truly can be. In the wake of this year's draft, they seem unusually sprightly. Don't kid yourself, these FIB's are just dying for a reason to run their mouth. They are the fan base that I hate the most, bar none. Can't wait until be stomp their asses again this season. $%@# 'em.
Seattle fans are worse.

Re: Bears Fans

Posted: 16 May 2024 21:30
by Backthepack4ever
Papa John wrote:
16 May 2024 19:54
Because their team has been such hot garbage for, basically, a whole generation, it's easy to forget how insufferable these little $%@# truly can be. In the wake of this year's draft, they seem unusually sprightly. Don't kid yourself, these FIB's are just dying for a reason to run their mouth. They are the fan base that I hate the most, bar none. Can't wait until be stomp their asses again this season. $%@# 'em.
Gotta say doing the draft every year I enjoy most bear fans. Some good trash talking back and forth but they have bowed to GB. They also admit we landed another QB who will bring more titles then the last 2.

Packer lion and bare fans all agree. F the vikings and that overall fan base. Yes I know their are some good ones and bad ones in every fan base.

Re: Bears Fans

Posted: 16 May 2024 21:42
by RingoCStarrQB
Packers have beaten Da Bears 50 out of the last 65 games. :cigar:

Bears started Trubisky and Fields without time to learn anything, and both failed to win with any regularity. Gotta believe the same will happen with Caleb. :rotf:

Re: Bears Fans

Posted: 16 May 2024 22:13
by Pckfn23
Backthepack4ever wrote:
16 May 2024 21:30
Papa John wrote:
16 May 2024 19:54
Because their team has been such hot garbage for, basically, a whole generation, it's easy to forget how insufferable these little $%@# truly can be. In the wake of this year's draft, they seem unusually sprightly. Don't kid yourself, these FIB's are just dying for a reason to run their mouth. They are the fan base that I hate the most, bar none. Can't wait until be stomp their asses again this season. $%@# 'em.
Gotta say doing the draft every year I enjoy most bear fans. Some good trash talking back and forth but they have bowed to GB. They also admit we landed another QB who will bring more titles then the last 2.

Packer lion and bare fans all agree. F the vikings and that overall fan base. Yes I know their are some good ones and bad ones in every fan base.
100% Viking fan base as a whole is the cellar of the North. Paul Allen has infected the rubes.

Re: Bears Fans

Posted: 16 May 2024 23:38
by lupedafiasco
I love Bears fans. They’re delusional. They’re practically the Simple Jacks of the leagues fan bases. They come out and say something stupid. Look even more stupid 3 or 4 years down the line then you have some amazing content in the chamber to bash them with. Rinse and repeat. First it was trading the farm for The &%$@ Cutlet. Then it was Mitch Turdbisbuit. Then is was Bustin Fields.

It’s comedy gold.

Re: Bears Fans

Posted: 17 May 2024 00:59
Pckfn23 wrote:
16 May 2024 22:13
Backthepack4ever wrote:
16 May 2024 21:30
Papa John wrote:
16 May 2024 19:54
Because their team has been such hot garbage for, basically, a whole generation, it's easy to forget how insufferable these little $%@# truly can be. In the wake of this year's draft, they seem unusually sprightly. Don't kid yourself, these FIB's are just dying for a reason to run their mouth. They are the fan base that I hate the most, bar none. Can't wait until be stomp their asses again this season. $%@# 'em.
Gotta say doing the draft every year I enjoy most bear fans. Some good trash talking back and forth but they have bowed to GB. They also admit we landed another QB who will bring more titles then the last 2.

Packer lion and bare fans all agree. F the vikings and that overall fan base. Yes I know their are some good ones and bad ones in every fan base.
100% Viking fan base as a whole is the cellar of the North. Paul Allen has infected the rubes.
Exactly. I deal with them all the time here living in MN myself. Love the Paul Allen take. I don't get caught up in all the nonsense like I did in my 20's. I'm too old for that ridiculousness now in my 50's.

The entire franchise is OBSESSED with the Packers. Its not even just the fans. This sickness they have has spread to the front office and local media. I almost feel sorry for them, but not quite. :) What other franchise has signed so many former packer players later in their careers? The latest is Aaron Jones of course. Trying to think of a good analogy but there are many. Its mostly like a little brother so jealous of big brother trying walk in his shoes, but obviously never can because of big brothers greatness. This eventually drives little brother insane. :lombardi:

Re: Bears Fans

Posted: 17 May 2024 05:25
by APB
@Raptorman gonna have a say here soon… :lol:

Re: Bears Fans

Posted: 17 May 2024 07:05
by RingoCStarrQB
MY_TAKE wrote:
17 May 2024 00:59
Pckfn23 wrote:
16 May 2024 22:13
Backthepack4ever wrote:
16 May 2024 21:30

Gotta say doing the draft every year I enjoy most bear fans. Some good trash talking back and forth but they have bowed to GB. They also admit we landed another QB who will bring more titles then the last 2.

Packer lion and bare fans all agree. F the vikings and that overall fan base. Yes I know their are some good ones and bad ones in every fan base.
100% Viking fan base as a whole is the cellar of the North. Paul Allen has infected the rubes.
Exactly. I deal with them all the time here living in MN myself. Love the Paul Allen take. I don't get caught up in all the nonsense like I did in my 20's. I'm too old for that ridiculousness now in my 50's.

The entire franchise is OBSESSED with the Packers. Its not even just the fans. This sickness they have has spread to the front office and local media. I almost feel sorry for them, but not quite. :) What other franchise has signed so many former packer players later in their careers? The latest is Aaron Jones of course. Trying to think of a good analogy but there are many. Its mostly like a little brother so jealous of big brother trying walk in his shoes, but obviously never can because of big brothers greatness. This eventually drives little brother insane. :lombardi:
Likely the first case in point:


Re: Bears Fans

Posted: 17 May 2024 08:14
by NCF
I feel like Bears fans are at least consistent in their delusions. Vikings fans, OTOH, are bandwagon fans (at least the ones I deal with on a regular basis). The seem to get more joy out of the Packers losing than the Vikings winning. A few L's in the loss column and everyone moves on to hockey.

Re: Bears Fans

Posted: 17 May 2024 08:42
by Yoop
Bears fans are fast lane people, there to busy to spend a ton of time worrying about a team thats been terrible at best.

I lived near Chicago during the Ditka years, and Bears fans where as tuned in to those teams as most Packer fans get during our winning years, go back to our dark ages and the only tuned in Packer fans where the die hards, winning increases fanship, as a result awareness of everything about the team.

Bears are getting a new stadium, right next to the old Soldiers field, exciting for Bears fans, like Detroit, I see a brighter future for the Bears, just like I do with the Packers, just the opposite for the Vikings.

Re: Bears Fans

Posted: 17 May 2024 10:22
by Papa John
And now everyone in the thread is disagreeing with my take. Fine. You know what? Packers fans can be pretty $%@# annoying too.

Re: Bears Fans

Posted: 17 May 2024 10:52
by RingoCStarrQB
Papa John wrote:
17 May 2024 10:22
And now everyone in the thread is disagreeing with my take. Fine. You know what? Packers fans can be pretty $%@# annoying too.
Papa, I am only aware of 1 annoying Packers fan. And that person happens to regularly post messages on the forum

Re: Bears Fans

Posted: 17 May 2024 11:11
by NCF
RingoCStarrQB wrote:
17 May 2024 10:52
Papa John wrote:
17 May 2024 10:22
And now everyone in the thread is disagreeing with my take. Fine. You know what? Packers fans can be pretty $%@# annoying too.
Papa, I am only aware of 1 annoying Packers fan. And that person happens to regularly post messages on the forum

Re: Bears Fans

Posted: 17 May 2024 12:08
by Yoop
Papa John wrote:
17 May 2024 10:22
And now everyone in the thread is disagreeing with my take. Fine. You know what? Packers fans can be pretty $%@# annoying too.
haha, thats what we do here, disagreeing is what we do best :rotf:

one thing we can agree on is stomping, we stomp pretty good too, or at least our team does.

Re: Bears Fans

Posted: 17 May 2024 12:14
by TheSkeptic
lupedafiasco wrote:
16 May 2024 23:38
I love Bears fans. They’re delusional. They’re practically the Simple Jacks of the leagues fan bases. They come out and say something stupid. Look even more stupid 3 or 4 years down the line then you have some amazing content in the chamber to bash them with. Rinse and repeat. First it was trading the farm for The &%$@ Cutlet. Then it was Mitch Turdbisbuit. Then is was Bustin Fields.

It’s comedy gold.
You forgot Wrecks Grossman. He did take them to the SB but then he wrecked that good.

Re: Bears Fans

Posted: 17 May 2024 12:21
by go pak go
Papa John wrote:
17 May 2024 10:22
And now everyone in the thread is disagreeing with my take. Fine. You know what? Packers fans can be pretty $%@# annoying too.
I actually agree. I don't particularly enjoy talking to most average Wisconsin Packers fans.

Out of state Packers fans I usually like much more.

Re: Bears Fans

Posted: 17 May 2024 13:36
by Raptorman
APB wrote:
17 May 2024 05:25
@Raptorman gonna have a say here soon… :lol:
I would say all Packer fans are @$$holes but then that would bring me down to their level. Only some are, and they prove it by their blanket statements of other teams' fans.

Re: Bears Fans

Posted: 17 May 2024 13:50
by NCF
Raptorman wrote:
17 May 2024 13:36
APB wrote:
17 May 2024 05:25
@Raptorman gonna have a say here soon… :lol:
I would say all Packer fans are @$$holes but then that would bring me down to their level. Only some are, and they prove it by their blanket statements of other teams' fans.
I used a qualifier.

Re: Bears Fans

Posted: 17 May 2024 13:50
by Pckfn23
I don't think anyone said every Viking fan is an asshole. They have more than their fair share though. Half my friend group are Viking fans, but they all hate Paul Allen as an announcer. Just talking fan bases as a whole, Vikings are the worst in the North and it's not close. They are even unwarranted assholes at their home games.