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Adams Contract Talks Halt

Posted: 23 Jul 2021 11:41
by go pak go
Gute KNEW this was gonna happen when he used his 3rd round coveted pick on Amari Rodgers.

I mean you are in discussion of a huge extension and then pull that crap? What kind of message you think that sends?

Nothing but disrespect and trying to shoe the old guy out the door.

Re: Adams wants out

Posted: 23 Jul 2021 12:06
by Half Empty
Have lost track - is this facetious or serious?

Re: Adams wants out

Posted: 23 Jul 2021 12:10
by go pak go
Half Empty wrote:
23 Jul 2021 12:06
Have lost track - is this facetious or serious?

But it does sound like contract talks have halted.

Re: Adams wants out

Posted: 23 Jul 2021 12:16
by APB
I think I'm gonna :puke:

Re: Adams wants out

Posted: 23 Jul 2021 12:19
by go pak go
APB wrote:
23 Jul 2021 12:16
I think I'm gonna :puke:
You started this.

Re: Adams wants out

Posted: 23 Jul 2021 12:21
by Turk's B.B.C.
I disagree. Gute was smart to draft AR2 in the third. If Adams goes down, what veteran has shown the ability to fill Adams' shoes? None that l have witnessed.
If his butt is hurt over that pick, that's his problem. No different than AR being miffed about the Love pick, except he's bummed about a THIRD-ROUNDER. WAAAH.
If that is actually the reason for the breakdown in talks, he needs to be gone next year, also. He obviously isn't buying into the program, then.
I'm sick of divas.

Re: Adams Contract Talks Halt

Posted: 23 Jul 2021 12:22
by Pckfn23
GPG, you need to delete this post now... :bkw:

Re: Adams Contract Talks Halt

Posted: 23 Jul 2021 12:22
by NCF
Go Bucks!!

Re: Adams Contract Talks Halt

Posted: 23 Jul 2021 12:34
by Yoop
when it rains it ,,,, :rotf:

Re: Adams Contract Talks Halt

Posted: 23 Jul 2021 12:46
by paco
I will repeat what I said with additions...
*I expect this to be the last year with Adams.
*Contract talks halting is no guarantee he won't re-sign (See Aaron Jones, David Bakhtiari, Sam Shields and others).
*This has nothing to do with Rodgers. If it did, Davante would make sure to know what was happening and if he was gone, he wouldn't even talk to the Packers.
*Talks "miraculously" stopped right before the owners meeting and training camp started. Duh, things usually halt right around now. Doesn't mean they don't pick up during the preseason, or during the season. We sign guys all year long.
*Anything can still happen. Good or bad. Nothing that came out today is an indication of any particular ending scenario.
*Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't.

Re: Adams Contract Talks Halt

Posted: 23 Jul 2021 12:47
by go pak go
Pckfn23 wrote:
23 Jul 2021 12:22
GPG, you need to delete this post now... :bkw:
Unfortunately I am unable to.

I did it as a joke as a response to APB in the Packers General News thread.

Probably an error in judgement.

Because I don't think there is any reason to believe the halt of conatract has anything to do with the "drama" surrounding GB. But I should have realized many others do.

Re: Adams Contract Talks Halt

Posted: 23 Jul 2021 12:59
by Acrobat
I love Rodgers (the player) and Adams, but man, if both of them leave and we get to keep Jaire, then I can live with it long term. Not saying it'll be easy to replace them, but I think the team can construct itself differently to allow Love to groom and elite WR's can be had.

Re: Adams Contract Talks Halt

Posted: 23 Jul 2021 13:05
by Turk's B.B.C.
Whoops, GPG, l'm a little slow sometimes when it comes to facetiousness!
My diva-phobia gets set off so easily these days! :lol:

Re: Adams Contract Talks Halt

Posted: 23 Jul 2021 14:09
by salmar80
Getting a new deal done after the season could work better to help with next season's tough cap situation, since 2022 cap hit could be lower than if you did it now. Gutey has gotten some big deals done before guys have hit UFA.

That said, playing without an extension is risky for Davante. Any big injury would ruin his chances at max money. GB does have the tag as leverage even after the season.

Re: Adams Contract Talks Halt

Posted: 23 Jul 2021 14:14
by go pak go
salmar80 wrote:
23 Jul 2021 14:09
Getting a new deal done after the season could work better to help with next season's tough cap situation, since 2022 cap hit could be lower than if you did it now. Gutey has gotten some big deals done before guys have hit UFA.

That said, playing without an extension is risky for Davante. Any big injury would ruin his chances at max money. GB does have the tag as leverage even after the season.
Any cap savings in 2021 because of a new deal would simply roll into 2022. I don't see any net advantages of the Packers to wait beyond just the whole tag thing.

But because of our cap issue, the Packers really won't be able to use the tag. We wouldn't be able to absorb the cap expense.

Re: Adams Contract Talks Halt

Posted: 23 Jul 2021 14:49
by wallyuwl
go pak go wrote:
23 Jul 2021 11:41
Gute KNEW this was gonna happen when he used his 3rd round coveted pick on Amari Rodgers.

I mean you are in discussion of a huge extension and then pull that crap? What kind of message you think that sends?

Nothing but disrespect and trying to shoe the old guy out the door.
Well done. :clap:

Re: Adams wants out

Posted: 23 Jul 2021 16:12
by Labrev
go pak go wrote:
23 Jul 2021 12:10
Half Empty wrote:
23 Jul 2021 12:06
Have lost track - is this facetious or serious?

But it does sound like contract talks have halted.
Wasted opportunity, shoulda kept the troll-job going. :mrgreen:


Re: Adams Contract Talks Halt

Posted: 23 Jul 2021 16:48
by NCF


Re: Adams Contract Talks Halt

Posted: 24 Jul 2021 07:58
by RingoCStarrQB
We'll be just fine in 2021 as we were in 1977 with Ollie Smith, Steve Odom, Randy Vataha, Aundra Thompson and Ken Payne. This was a Packers team than only a Packers fan could love.


Re: Adams Contract Talks Halt

Posted: 24 Jul 2021 09:18
by Half Empty
And some of us did. It was an era where anything positive was a big deal. Lovable losers instead of whatever it is we have today.