"protests" in Minneapolis

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Carl Gerbschmidt
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"protests" in Minneapolis

Post by Carl Gerbschmidt »

Not being political but calling what is happening in Minneapolis a protest is like calling a tornado partly cloudy skies.

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Post by Gunzaan »

It’s a pretty awful situation. That cop needs to be in jail for some degree of murder. I usually sympathize with law enforcement because I try to see things from their perspective and lived experiences but that was an awful crime that needs justice for.

That said, looting and acting like animals is the worst possible response and just continues the cycle.

Carl Gerbschmidt
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Post by Carl Gerbschmidt »

A lot of empathy went up in flames last night.

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Post by texas »

There are so many layers to this thing, I don't even know what stance I am taking yet. It's such a weird mix of factions doing justifiable things as well as bad things. A lot of "but"s:

Apparently the guy committed some sort of crime and was possibly on a bunch of drugs. But the tape was so damning for the cops. The guy appears to have been not even fighting back and yet they knelt on his neck for 5 minutes. WTF. In no world does his supposed "crime" (which was pretty minor) justify what happened. But, I usually like to wait for evidence. But in this case it looks pretty bad.

I've never been Back the Blue and have generally been slightly anti-cop, except for the last 4 years or so when it became a Right vs Left proxy battle. Plus it's just a fact that black crime rates (against all races) are way higher than crime rates of other races.
But it's also just a fact that the types of people who become policemen are often Cartman-esque "respect my authoritah" people (especially if they're not ex-military). I've only known 2 cops and 1 is a great guy and the other is a crazy woman. But, that being said, the "great guy" also quit after a year.
But it's true that in order to have any sort of law & order, you need guarantors of that being able to enforce the peace.
But especially after watching police across America during corona, I've seen some proof of my long-held suspicion that should the government ever decree some vast violation of rights (like gun seizure), local policemen will gladly go right along with it and enforce it.

But I also dislike BLM and Antifa. But I can't really dislike BLM too much since they generally are nonviolent. Plus a lot of these riots are just funded by Soros and aren't really as organic as they appear. But I just saw that it's looking like some of the rioting and looting in this case was started by undercover cops and I could absolutely believe either federal or local police forces are working undercover to enflame this thing after all the crap that has come out in the last 4 years (well, last 40 years) about their actions. Also, the Boog Bois (good guys) apparently were helping BLM this time. Most of the violence I have seen on video so far has been disgusting-looking white people and mexican gang members.

I don't like innocent businesses being torched, and it's true that all it does is hurt the local communities. But I don't especially mind Target being torched because they're a big time leftist organization (or at least they pander to them publicly). Plus as people on twitter have pointed out, it's probably not even Target that suffers here (it's their insurer).

The only two opinions I've formed so far are 1) That guy didn't deserve to die and 2) Whatever comes of this, I can pretty much bet that Antifa will be in the wrong somehow

Also, keep in mind this is an election year so of course various factions are going to exploit this thing (Soros). Also there's a lot of pent up angst from corona, and if I had to bet I would say there will be larger riots (over things unrelated to this) as the world fights this

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Post by Drj820 »

I think there is more going on here than meets the eye. I could def see some big money donors paying certain people to gaslight the protestors and create chaos and mayhem.

What’s interesting is the right used to always back the cops no matter what, but after last few months of suburban moms being treated like criminals for going to parks or wanting to cut hair...no one cares enough to defend them anymore. The cops have a union, they should have not enforced those orders from politicians. They lost a ton of ground in the “proxy” war that you correctly speak of Texas.

I personally think those cops should be hung, and I think Floyd’s death is being exploited to sow max chaos, by more than just angry unorganized normal citizens.
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Post by salmar80 »

While I appreciate the importance of the topic, there is no way this thread doesn't devolve into political nastiness. Hence locked. Sorry [mention]Carl Gerbschmidt[/mention] .
