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Re: Rank the Roster 2020: #5

Posted: 04 May 2020 12:26
by TheSkeptic
Clark for me.

Both he and Bak are FA's after this year. Who the Packers resign first should tell you who is more valuable. Hint, it won't be Bak

Re: Rank the Roster 2020: #5

Posted: 04 May 2020 13:41
by Labrev
Clark. I was tempted to vote for him last time. He seemed to have a rough patch last year possibly due to being nicked-up, but he bounced back and was more than solid since.

And 6 sacks is damn good for a NT, especially one whose fellow IDL are not the least bit intimidating to other OL.

Also, Bakh is nearing the end of his prime years (will be 29 this year), while Clark is still very much in his (turns 25 this year, and besides, DTs whose game is strength have a long shelf-life anyway).