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Re: Cheese Curds - News Around The League 2023

Posted: 20 Jan 2024 11:01
by Pckfn23
YoHoChecko wrote:
20 Jan 2024 09:54
I agree with @go pak go on the broad strokes of the dying media model coming at the expense of the internet, but slowly...

but you cannot describe/explain the consolidation and then death of major media outlets from print to TV to what have you without including private equity's impact. The model where a big private equity firm buys an asset, strips it down, and then keeps it running on fumes is a model with a long track record of creating eroding businesses rather than ones that grow or stand pat.

This isn't woke or left or right. It's outlined very well by two right-wing populists Oren Cass and Sohrab Ahmari... while garnering praise from mainstream liberal outlets and even communist publication Jacobin. When you get agreement along that wide a spectrum, you're just reporting facts. The private equity business model is a death knell, not a savior, when a major company hits a rut and starts looking for an influx of money to move forward.

That's what happened to Sports Illustrated. They leaned on private equity money when they needed an influx and it did to them what it does.
Sure sure, it's milking every ounce of profit out of an already dying company. The Internet and more specifically social media like Twitter set these slow moving companies on that death march. Sports Illustrated was purchased in 2019. It has been slowly dying for more than a decade at that point. With the internet becoming common place in every American home and then the smartphone in every American hand, it was only a matter of time, unless they pivoted. They didn't .

Re: Cheese Curds - News Around The League 2023

Posted: 20 Jan 2024 11:04
by go pak go
YoHoChecko wrote:
20 Jan 2024 09:54
I agree with @go pak go on the broad strokes of the dying media model coming at the expense of the internet, but slowly...

but you cannot describe/explain the consolidation and then death of major media outlets from print to TV to what have you without including private equity's impact. The model where a big private equity firm buys an asset, strips it down, and then keeps it running on fumes is a model with a long track record of creating eroding businesses rather than ones that grow or stand pat.

This isn't woke or left or right. It's outlined very well by two right-wing populists Oren Cass and Sohrab Ahmari... while garnering praise from mainstream liberal outlets and even communist publication Jacobin. When you get agreement along that wide a spectrum, you're just reporting facts. The private equity business model is a death knell, not a savior, when a major company hits a rut and starts looking for an influx of money to move forward.

That's what happened to Sports Illustrated. They leaned on private equity money when they needed an influx and it did to them what it does.
Absolutely. As CFO of a private but rapid growing company, we have had occasions where Private Equity seemed to be the only option.

I have fought like hell to never get to that point. You lose control. You lose passion for the actual business. You lose expertise and you always have to answer to someone with different interests.

But the larger theme of industry headwinds cannot be ignored. These mediums dying was always the inevitability. The companies themselves could survive if they evolved properly but the old model was always doomed.

Re: Cheese Curds - News Around The League 2023

Posted: 20 Jan 2024 11:11
by go pak go
Labrev wrote:
20 Jan 2024 09:05
Drj820 wrote:
20 Jan 2024 08:33
go pak go wrote:
20 Jan 2024 08:31


A bohemeth like Sports Illustrated has plenty of finanical and intangible equity to die a slow death. The Internet is truly what killed them just as it killing conventional sports media outlets like ESPN.

The narrative of "woke media" killing SI and ESPN is simply a convenient narrative and that is it. The real root was a disruptive technology that put these business models in the past and irrelevant. Publish media and National sports media just doesn't have the impact it once had. New travels too fast. And low-budget but high quality business models have overtaken the old model.

Why would I wait on "who's hot and who's not" from Sports Illustrated when I can that information 4 weeks earlier? Why would I listen to Dan Patrick talk a little bit about everything when I can instead listen to Andy Herman or Mike Wahle talk specifically what I want in detail?

Why would I go to Mie and Mike in the morning for entertainment on a broad brush of sports when I can watch Aaron Nagler and Corey Bankey be silly over a topic I really care about instead?

It's a new world. The error that the giant media companies are making is they aren't turning the page fast enough. It's ridiculous that I still have to watch a clueless and careless JImmy Johnson, Howie Long and Terry Bradshaw give such little input or insight about a game at halftime. We can get better and we therefore get better and these giant media outlets are too top heavy to adjust.
I would wait for Dan Patrick over blogger Andy. Andy is a clown.
Lol why do you hate the poor guy? Just feels like a lot of vitriol for a rather milquetoast personality
It is strange. Herman is probably the most unlikely guy to push click bait or say jarring things just to get views. It is because of this that Herman also probably has the "highest caliber guests" with the smallest follower count and Youtube views. He is incredibly respected in the football nerd space.

I can't think of a guy who is more "nerdy and detailed" in Packer coverage than Andy Herman.

I still believe the reason why people don't like him is because he is so nerdy, fact based, and not afraid to call the emperor with no clothes naked.

Re: Cheese Curds - News Around The League 2023

Posted: 20 Jan 2024 11:30
by Drj820
go pak go wrote:
20 Jan 2024 11:11
Labrev wrote:
20 Jan 2024 09:05
Drj820 wrote:
20 Jan 2024 08:33

I would wait for Dan Patrick over blogger Andy. Andy is a clown.
Lol why do you hate the poor guy? Just feels like a lot of vitriol for a rather milquetoast personality
It is strange. Herman is probably the most unlikely guy to push click bait or say jarring things just to get views. It is because of this that Herman also probably has the "highest caliber guests" with the smallest follower count and Youtube views. He is incredibly respected in the football nerd space.

I can't think of a guy who is more "nerdy and detailed" in Packer coverage than Andy Herman.

I still believe the reason why people don't like him is because he is so nerdy, fact based, and not afraid to call the emperor with no clothes naked.
That’s funny that you think I wouldn’t like a commentator because they were critical of the packers.

I assume that’s what you mean by “not afraid to call the emperor with no clothes naked”

What’s most funny is the reaction I get for saying I prefer Dan Patrick to blogger Andy. Dan Patrick is a legend!!

Re: Cheese Curds - News Around The League 2023

Posted: 20 Jan 2024 11:39
by APB
Drj820 wrote:
20 Jan 2024 11:30
What’s most funny is the reaction I get for saying I prefer Dan Patrick to blogger Andy. Dan Patrick is a legend!!
Nice reframe of what you actually said:
I would wait for Dan Patrick over blogger Andy. Andy is a clown.
And like was mentioned, you never fail to let mention of him pass without chiming in with your disdain for him. It's borderline obsessive for a guy you consider to be just another blogger clown.

Whatever flips your pancake...

Re: Cheese Curds - News Around The League 2023

Posted: 20 Jan 2024 11:49
by Yoop
YoHoChecko wrote:
20 Jan 2024 09:54
I agree with @go pak go on the broad strokes of the dying media model coming at the expense of the internet, but slowly...

but you cannot describe/explain the consolidation and then death of major media outlets from print to TV to what have you without including private equity's impact. The model where a big private equity firm buys an asset, strips it down, and then keeps it running on fumes is a model with a long track record of creating eroding businesses rather than ones that grow or stand pat.

This isn't woke or left or right. It's outlined very well by two right-wing populists Oren Cass and Sohrab Ahmari... while garnering praise from mainstream liberal outlets and even communist publication Jacobin. When you get agreement along that wide a spectrum, you're just reporting facts. The private equity business model is a death knell, not a savior, when a major company hits a rut and starts looking for an influx of money to move forward.

That's what happened to Sports Illustrated. They leaned on private equity money when they needed an influx and it did to them what it does.
your describing the end of the American dream, investment firms have bought out the small guy.

rural American mom and pop shops have been destroyed by big box stores, main street in town are full of store for rent signs.

Our main Industry employer has been bought and rebought 3 times the last 20 years, the first 2 attempted to split and sell it off, which would have ended roughly 4000 jobs when counting supply chains, possibly more, this 3rd buy is from a firm solid in the industry, so hopefully it last for many years.

this is just a small score though, what use to be profitable Company's are now split and sold piece by piece for profit from investment firms that only care about there stock holders, family's are ruined in the process.

40 years ago it was just Walmart, today there is no end in sight, personally I think it is destroying our country

Re: Cheese Curds - News Around The League 2023

Posted: 20 Jan 2024 11:53
by Yoop
APB wrote:
20 Jan 2024 11:39
Drj820 wrote:
20 Jan 2024 11:30
What’s most funny is the reaction I get for saying I prefer Dan Patrick to blogger Andy. Dan Patrick is a legend!!
Nice reframe of what you actually said:
I would wait for Dan Patrick over blogger Andy. Andy is a clown.
And like was mentioned, you never fail to let mention of him pass without chiming in with your disdain for him. It's borderline obsessive for a guy you consider to be just another blogger clown.

Whatever flips your pancake...
right, DR J is so dis respectable :lol: , he should prefix Blogger Andy with SUPER as I do, that way u's guys would leave him alone :rotf:

Re: Cheese Curds - News Around The League 2023

Posted: 20 Jan 2024 13:55
by YoHoChecko
I think it's relatively obvious where some of the Andy Herman dislike comes from--it's from us.

I think there is a sense around the online Packers fandom that there is a vast uniformity of opinion that is perpetuated by a handful of outlets and Herman has elevated himself to those ranks.

So the people who feel like there's a conspiracy of conformity on this forum, in which a handful of "preferred users" get carte blanche while outside opinions are shouted down (this does not match my sense of reality, but it is stated as the perception frequently), see Herman as a root source of that conformity of opinion and information, mainly because a lot of the people who post here also watch his videos and utilize information he posts.

The disdain arises because he begins to feel like the online "establishment" of Packer fandom and we are currently living through a particularly anti-establishment time in overall sentiment.

Re: Cheese Curds - News Around The League 2023

Posted: 20 Jan 2024 13:56
by Drj820
APB wrote:
20 Jan 2024 11:39
Drj820 wrote:
20 Jan 2024 11:30
What’s most funny is the reaction I get for saying I prefer Dan Patrick to blogger Andy. Dan Patrick is a legend!!
Nice reframe of what you actually said:
I would wait for Dan Patrick over blogger Andy. Andy is a clown.
And like was mentioned, you never fail to let mention of him pass without chiming in with your disdain for him. It's borderline obsessive for a guy you consider to be just another blogger clown.

Whatever flips your pancake...
Sorry to offend you. Apologies if you guys are related.

Re: Cheese Curds - News Around The League 2023

Posted: 20 Jan 2024 13:56
by go pak go
Drj820 wrote:
20 Jan 2024 11:30
go pak go wrote:
20 Jan 2024 11:11
Labrev wrote:
20 Jan 2024 09:05

Lol why do you hate the poor guy? Just feels like a lot of vitriol for a rather milquetoast personality
It is strange. Herman is probably the most unlikely guy to push click bait or say jarring things just to get views. It is because of this that Herman also probably has the "highest caliber guests" with the smallest follower count and Youtube views. He is incredibly respected in the football nerd space.

I can't think of a guy who is more "nerdy and detailed" in Packer coverage than Andy Herman.

I still believe the reason why people don't like him is because he is so nerdy, fact based, and not afraid to call the emperor with no clothes naked.
That’s funny that you think I wouldn’t like a commentator because they were critical of the packers.

I assume that’s what you mean by “not afraid to call the emperor with no clothes naked”

What’s most funny is the reaction I get for saying I prefer Dan Patrick to blogger Andy. Dan Patrick is a legend!!
I thought what was funny was out of my long post you single out Andy Herman and find a way to knock him like you always do.

I don't think however you dislike Herman for his calling the emperor naked. I have a different theory and I believe it to be your disdain for guys who like data, film review, deep study etc.

I believe you like to analyze things differently like just saying the word dawg, or clown, or other words. There are two camps on this forum. The camp that likes deeper diving and the other who doesn't and prefers the eye test, memory, etc. And both camps like to fight a lot because of it.

Re: Cheese Curds - News Around The League 2023

Posted: 20 Jan 2024 14:25
by Raptorman
Sorry Packer fans, it's already been decided who is going to be in the Super Bowl this year.
420163916_805776594897812_2769445930788371915_n.jpg (101.84 KiB) Viewed 774 times

Re: Cheese Curds - News Around The League 2023

Posted: 20 Jan 2024 14:26
by Drj820
go pak go wrote:
20 Jan 2024 13:56
Drj820 wrote:
20 Jan 2024 11:30
go pak go wrote:
20 Jan 2024 11:11

It is strange. Herman is probably the most unlikely guy to push click bait or say jarring things just to get views. It is because of this that Herman also probably has the "highest caliber guests" with the smallest follower count and Youtube views. He is incredibly respected in the football nerd space.

I can't think of a guy who is more "nerdy and detailed" in Packer coverage than Andy Herman.

I still believe the reason why people don't like him is because he is so nerdy, fact based, and not afraid to call the emperor with no clothes naked.
That’s funny that you think I wouldn’t like a commentator because they were critical of the packers.

I assume that’s what you mean by “not afraid to call the emperor with no clothes naked”

What’s most funny is the reaction I get for saying I prefer Dan Patrick to blogger Andy. Dan Patrick is a legend!!
I thought what was funny was out of my long post you single out Andy Herman and find a way to knock him like you always do.

I don't think however you dislike Herman for his calling the emperor naked. I have a different theory and I believe it to be your disdain for guys who like data, film review, deep study etc.

I believe you like to analyze things differently like just saying the word dawg, or clown, or other words. There are two camps on this forum. The camp that likes deeper diving and the other who doesn't and prefers the eye test, memory, etc. And both camps like to fight a lot because of it.

Re: Cheese Curds - News Around The League 2023

Posted: 20 Jan 2024 17:02
by Crazylegs Starks
Raptorman wrote:
20 Jan 2024 14:25
Sorry Packer fans, it's already been decided who is going to be in the Super Bowl this year.
Well, darn!

The bigger news though is that the NFL is run by those shifty Canadians! :mrgreen:

Re: Cheese Curds - News Around The League 2023

Posted: 26 Jan 2024 11:25
by APB
It's actually pretty amazing when you see it laid out like this:

Re: Cheese Curds - News Around The League 2023

Posted: 26 Jan 2024 11:29
by Yoop
APB wrote:
26 Jan 2024 11:25
It's actually pretty amazing when you see it laid out like this:

wow, all Chiefs and No Indians :rotf:

Re: Cheese Curds - News Around The League 2023

Posted: 29 Jan 2024 17:18
by Papa John
A lot of people ripping Dan Campbell because of his postgame comments. "We might not get this chance again." (Paraphrasing).

I actually understand and support him making that statement.

In a league that's constantly evolving, you have to seize every opportunity. There is almost never time for "better luck next year."

When you have a bite at the apple, you need to take advantage. If not, someone's more than likely going to push you aside and eat the whole thing themselves.

Re: Cheese Curds - News Around The League 2023

Posted: 29 Jan 2024 20:37
by RingoCStarrQB
Yoop wrote:
20 Jan 2024 11:49
YoHoChecko wrote:
20 Jan 2024 09:54
I agree with @go pak go on the broad strokes of the dying media model coming at the expense of the internet, but slowly...

but you cannot describe/explain the consolidation and then death of major media outlets from print to TV to what have you without including private equity's impact. The model where a big private equity firm buys an asset, strips it down, and then keeps it running on fumes is a model with a long track record of creating eroding businesses rather than ones that grow or stand pat.

This isn't woke or left or right. It's outlined very well by two right-wing populists Oren Cass and Sohrab Ahmari... while garnering praise from mainstream liberal outlets and even communist publication Jacobin. When you get agreement along that wide a spectrum, you're just reporting facts. The private equity business model is a death knell, not a savior, when a major company hits a rut and starts looking for an influx of money to move forward.

That's what happened to Sports Illustrated. They leaned on private equity money when they needed an influx and it did to them what it does.
your describing the end of the American dream, investment firms have bought out the small guy.

rural American mom and pop shops have been destroyed by big box stores, main street in town are full of store for rent signs.

Our main Industry employer has been bought and rebought 3 times the last 20 years, the first 2 attempted to split and sell it off, which would have ended roughly 4000 jobs when counting supply chains, possibly more, this 3rd buy is from a firm solid in the industry, so hopefully it last for many years.

this is just a small score though, what use to be profitable Company's are now split and sold piece by piece for profit from investment firms that only care about there stock holders, family's are ruined in the process.

40 years ago it was just Walmart, today there is no end in sight, personally I think it is destroying our country
Part of the American dream may be making a comeback. Banks are now offering 4+% interest Savings accounts. This was unheard of a year ago, going back at least a decade prior, if I remember correctly. Got to sieze the moment if you can. Innovation by small business continues regardless.

Re: Cheese Curds - News Around The League 2023

Posted: 29 Jan 2024 21:45
by texas
SI went out of business because of what yall said- nobody is going to read 4-week old information on a broad range of topics you don't care about, in paper format, when you could get up-to-the-minute information about information you do care about, on your phone, instantly. And you can share your own opinion on that information, and maybe even get read by the author themselves.

I don't know that private equity has much to do with it. I think if anything, private equity is why they went woke, and neither reason is why they went belly up. I don't think stripping it down to bare bones staff matters much, it's of course what the laid off staff are going to say for why it failed but in reality it is that other reason. Besides, the Athletic tried dumping a bunch of money into a sports publication, and they are even online too, and they still are a money sinkhole.

Re: Cheese Curds - News Around The League 2023

Posted: 30 Jan 2024 07:13
by BF004
YoHoChecko wrote:
20 Jan 2024 09:54
I agree with @go pak go on the broad strokes of the dying media model coming at the expense of the internet, but slowly...

but you cannot describe/explain the consolidation and then death of major media outlets from print to TV to what have you without including private equity's impact. The model where a big private equity firm buys an asset, strips it down, and then keeps it running on fumes is a model with a long track record of creating eroding businesses rather than ones that grow or stand pat.

This isn't woke or left or right. It's outlined very well by two right-wing populists Oren Cass and Sohrab Ahmari... while garnering praise from mainstream liberal outlets and even communist publication Jacobin. When you get agreement along that wide a spectrum, you're just reporting facts. The private equity business model is a death knell, not a savior, when a major company hits a rut and starts looking for an influx of money to move forward.

That's what happened to Sports Illustrated. They leaned on private equity money when they needed an influx and it did to them what it does.
I don’t agree at all, it’s a simple supply and demand thing. There was no way to save that business model without adaptation. They were Blockbuster in the world of Netflix.

And their main competition wasn’t even twitter and quick blurb social media posts. For what SI did it was/is podcasts. More of the in depth, deeper dive, reporting. Podcasts can be released near instantly, even now live-streamed with next to no lag. And listeners can choose between dozens if not hundreds of episodes or shows to listen to, and just not just on the whims of who the magazine’s producer is. And podcasts are in YouTube, every audio streaming service, often times in print. You can download them, listen while driving or showing, or watch them or read them. Just 100x more convenient.

Blaming it on anything else is just ignoring that fact that it is a far inferior product with no chance of generating the revenue it is used to or needs. The same thing is happening with the newspapers and other traditional media sources. Some dude at The NY Times whose product comes out a day late simply can’t compete with 1,000 independent podcasters who have already released in depth pieces on the same topic a day ago and is far more convenient to consume.

Re: Cheese Curds - News Around The League 2023

Posted: 30 Jan 2024 07:16
by RingoCStarrQB
texas wrote:
29 Jan 2024 21:45
SI went out of business because of what yall said- nobody is going to read 4-week old information on a broad range of topics you don't care about, in paper format, when you could get up-to-the-minute information about information you do care about, on your phone, instantly. And you can share your own opinion on that information, and maybe even get read by the author themselves.

I don't know that private equity has much to do with it. I think if anything, private equity is why they went woke, and neither reason is why they went belly up. I don't think stripping it down to bare bones staff matters much, it's of course what the laid off staff are going to say for why it failed but in reality it is that other reason. Besides, the Athletic tried dumping a bunch of money into a sports publication, and they are even online too, and they still are a money sinkhole.
No label Packers Glory Years SIs in good condition are valuable. The glory was astounding!! GO PACKERS.

