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Re: Post-Game: 49ers 24 Packers 21

Posted: 20 Jan 2024 23:37
by TheGreenMan
Papa John wrote:
20 Jan 2024 23:29
texas wrote:
20 Jan 2024 22:52
Drj820 wrote:
20 Jan 2024 22:40

This was an awful thing for Lafleur to say. Show unrelenting confidence in your kicker or find a new one
Find a new one. I am done with the Carlson experiment. Pre-season, I said sure, let's roll the dice with him because he is talented even though he missed a ton in preseason, because this is a rebuilding year for us and it is probably better to move on from Crosby now while we don't expect much.

But to be honest I might have signed Crosby in January when it became evident that we actually had something to play for this season. Crosby would have made that 41 yard attempt, no question.

But yeah, he's garbage. Bring in someone else.
I remember Nate Kaeding having a similar rookie season in San Diego. Went on to have a long career.

It’s just that when you have a young team, fine. But I think when you have a young team, it’s not smart to go young at kicker too. These young position players doing everything they can to get the team in position. To win. At least have a veteran kicker they can count on.
Kaeding. That's a name I haven't heard in a long time. Thought they were gonna run him out of town when he missed those big kicks in 2005. Struggled in the playoffs again down the stretch too later in his career.

Personally, I'm still holding out for our kicker.

Re: Post-Game: 49ers 24 Packers 21

Posted: 20 Jan 2024 23:39
TheGreenMan wrote:
20 Jan 2024 23:29
MY_TAKE wrote:
20 Jan 2024 23:24
TheGreenMan wrote:
20 Jan 2024 23:14
I think some of you need to go back and watch 2014. Not even on the same level.

The entire state of Wisconsin had the champagne popped then.
Pretty sure everyone remembers. Thats the point. Its hard to get there and we had a real chance. It wasn't a long shot or pipe dream.

Jordan Love was the fricken MVP the second half of the season and we had just destroyed the Cowboys in the wild card round. Jordan Love is ten times better than Purdy. NOT a PIPE DREAM. Knowing what I know and if the playoffs started over. I would have no problem betting on the Packers to win the WHOLE $%@# thing
This team was playing with house money. The expectations didn't start building until last week for most of us.

2014. Dead in the center of prime Rodgers era where it was Superbowl or bust. And ended up being the worst collapse in playoff history.

Not saying they didn't have a chance, but nobody was talking Superbowl this year.
Many said the last couple weeks this season kind of reminded them of 2010. It did to me also in some ways. I thought they had a great chance to win this game after the cowboy game. Anyone that didn't totally underestimated the team then. Because this team that lost today is a top 3 NFL team and if they had closed the deal today I would have loved their chance next week to go to the dance.

Re: Post-Game: 49ers 24 Packers 21

Posted: 20 Jan 2024 23:40
Pckfn23 wrote:
20 Jan 2024 23:34
MY_TAKE wrote:
20 Jan 2024 23:31
Pckfn23 wrote:
20 Jan 2024 23:25

No, 2014 hurt so bad. This sucks, but is ok, for now.
For me, It hurts bad!! Because I know how good this team is now. Next year someone could break their collarbone or rupture their achilles and your season is done.
Not sure what to say if you think this is a better team than 2014. This team has a very bright future. That team should have won that game
Never said that

Re: Post-Game: 49ers 24 Packers 21

Posted: 20 Jan 2024 23:40
by Drj820
Haha I totally agree 2014 was WAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY worse

I think this has 2014 “vibes” because we were the better team for so much of the night. Most years we just get out muscled and it feels over early.

Re: Post-Game: 49ers 24 Packers 21

Posted: 20 Jan 2024 23:42
Pckfn23 wrote:
20 Jan 2024 23:34
MY_TAKE wrote:
20 Jan 2024 23:31
Pckfn23 wrote:
20 Jan 2024 23:25

No, 2014 hurt so bad. This sucks, but is ok, for now.
For me, It hurts bad!! Because I know how good this team is now. Next year someone could break their collarbone or rupture their achilles and your season is done.
Not sure what to say if you think this is a better team than 2014. This team has a very bright future. That team should have won that game
Both teams should have won. 2014 was more crushing but man, they had this one too.

Re: Post-Game: 49ers 24 Packers 21

Posted: 20 Jan 2024 23:43
by Papa John
Hey. Guys. Just because I got kicked point blank square in the balls once 9 years ago doesn’t mean this twisted ankle doesn’t hurt tonight.

Re: Post-Game: 49ers 24 Packers 21

Posted: 20 Jan 2024 23:47
by Pckfn23
MY_TAKE wrote:
20 Jan 2024 23:42
Pckfn23 wrote:
20 Jan 2024 23:34
MY_TAKE wrote:
20 Jan 2024 23:31

For me, It hurts bad!! Because I know how good this team is now. Next year someone could break their collarbone or rupture their achilles and your season is done.
Not sure what to say if you think this is a better team than 2014. This team has a very bright future. That team should have won that game
Both teams should have won. 2014 was more crushing but man, they had this one too.
More crushing is a complete understatement!

Re: Post-Game: 49ers 24 Packers 21

Posted: 20 Jan 2024 23:48
by Pckfn23
Papa John wrote:
20 Jan 2024 23:43
Hey. Guys. Just because I got kicked point blank square in the balls once 9 years ago doesn’t mean this twisted ankle doesn’t hurt tonight.
100% this hurts, but I would say the future looks brighter than any other time we were kicked in the nuts!

Re: Post-Game: 49ers 24 Packers 21

Posted: 20 Jan 2024 23:48
by German_Panzer
I thought initially we have a 10-year-window now, but upon consideration we only have a window till Love will demand big bucks bc that is usually when awesome teams collapse into just good teams bc after paying your QB a king's ransom you cannot complement his team with other game changers anymore. So how long is the window?

Re: Post-Game: 49ers 24 Packers 21

Posted: 20 Jan 2024 23:50
alright, I will STFU. Time for bed.

Last final thought. For me it hurts so bad because it did prove we belonged. We outplayed for the most part who many consider the 2nd best team in the NFL. I started to believe what I was seeing and it was really good.

Good night.
Go Pack Go!!!!!

Re: Post-Game: 49ers 24 Packers 21

Posted: 20 Jan 2024 23:51
by TheGreenMan
MY_TAKE wrote:
20 Jan 2024 23:39
TheGreenMan wrote:
20 Jan 2024 23:29
MY_TAKE wrote:
20 Jan 2024 23:24

Pretty sure everyone remembers. Thats the point. Its hard to get there and we had a real chance. It wasn't a long shot or pipe dream.

Jordan Love was the fricken MVP the second half of the season and we had just destroyed the Cowboys in the wild card round. Jordan Love is ten times better than Purdy. NOT a PIPE DREAM. Knowing what I know and if the playoffs started over. I would have no problem betting on the Packers to win the WHOLE $%@# thing
This team was playing with house money. The expectations didn't start building until last week for most of us.

2014. Dead in the center of prime Rodgers era where it was Superbowl or bust. And ended up being the worst collapse in playoff history.

Not saying they didn't have a chance, but nobody was talking Superbowl this year.
Many said the last couple weeks this season kind of reminded them of 2010. It did to me also in some ways. I thought they had a great chance to win this game after the cowboy game. Anyone that didn't totally underestimated the team then. Because this team that lost today is a top 3 NFL team and if they had closed the deal today I would have loved their chance next week to go to the dance.
I hear you. But as stated, the believing didn't start to snow ball until after we beat Dallas.

I can maybe... maybe see 2010 vibes. Except the defense was for real. And had leaders in Matthews, Woodson, and Collins. There's not a soul on this defense that has anything on those guys.

Re: Post-Game: 49ers 24 Packers 21

Posted: 20 Jan 2024 23:54
by TheGreenMan
German_Panzer wrote:
20 Jan 2024 23:48
I thought initially we have a 10-year-window now, but upon consideration we only have a window till Love will demand big bucks bc that is usually when awesome teams collapse into just good teams bc after paying your QB a king's ransom you cannot complement his team with other game changers anymore. So how long is the window?
I don't think that far ahead on a QBs first season start. All I know is we appear to have that window. And it opened much sooner than anyone anticipated.

Re: Post-Game: 49ers 24 Packers 21

Posted: 20 Jan 2024 23:56
by Pckfn23
TheGreenMan wrote:
20 Jan 2024 23:51
MY_TAKE wrote:
20 Jan 2024 23:39
TheGreenMan wrote:
20 Jan 2024 23:29

This team was playing with house money. The expectations didn't start building until last week for most of us.

2014. Dead in the center of prime Rodgers era where it was Superbowl or bust. And ended up being the worst collapse in playoff history.

Not saying they didn't have a chance, but nobody was talking Superbowl this year.
Many said the last couple weeks this season kind of reminded them of 2010. It did to me also in some ways. I thought they had a great chance to win this game after the cowboy game. Anyone that didn't totally underestimated the team then. Because this team that lost today is a top 3 NFL team and if they had closed the deal today I would have loved their chance next week to go to the dance.
I hear you. But as stated, the believing didn't start to snow ball until after we beat Dallas.

I can maybe... maybe see 2010 vibes. Except the defense was for real. And had leaders in Matthews, Woodson, and Collins. There's not a soul on this defense that has anything on those guys.

Re: Post-Game: 49ers 24 Packers 21

Posted: 20 Jan 2024 23:57
by APB
Drj820 wrote:
20 Jan 2024 23:16
go pak go wrote:
20 Jan 2024 23:12
Drj820 wrote:
20 Jan 2024 23:02
I’m pretty disappointed in the use of Jones and the timing of when hed come out of the game, all throughout the game
I am going to be emotional. This one downright pisses me off. I think I'm most pissed at the football gods now.

Why do they hate us?
Being emotional is cool for fans. APB shouldn’t have tried to shame us. We all know it was a good year overall
:lol: :lol:

Shame you? I said some takes were hilarious. And they are.

Same old Packers? Choked another season away?

If you came away from this game thinking this is just another loser Packer team, that’s hilarious to me. These kids played their hearts out and achieved more than any of us dreamed they would. Sure, they came up short as many young teams often do but they never backed down from the challenge and arguably outplayed the mighty 49ers. On a short week. On the road. In the rain.

Be disappointed. But save the whiny, snively, “same old Packers” talk for your psychiatrist. These Packers are ballers and are just getting started.

Re: Post-Game: 49ers 24 Packers 21

Posted: 20 Jan 2024 23:59
by Drj820
APB wrote:
20 Jan 2024 23:57
Drj820 wrote:
20 Jan 2024 23:16
go pak go wrote:
20 Jan 2024 23:12

I am going to be emotional. This one downright pisses me off. I think I'm most pissed at the football gods now.

Why do they hate us?
Being emotional is cool for fans. APB shouldn’t have tried to shame us. We all know it was a good year overall
:lol: :lol:

Shame you? I said some takes were hilarious. And they are.

Same old Packers? Choked another season away?

If you came away from this game thinking this is just another loser Packer team, that’s hilarious to me. These kids played their hearts out and achieved more than any of us dreamed they would. Sure, they came up short as many young teams often do but they never backed down from the challenge and arguably outplayed the mighty 49ers. On a short week. On the road. In the rain.

Be disappointed. But save the whiny, snively, “same old Packers” talk for your psychiatrist. These Packers are ballers and are just getting started.

This is pro football.

Re: Post-Game: 49ers 24 Packers 21

Posted: 20 Jan 2024 23:59
by Pckfn23
MY_TAKE wrote:
20 Jan 2024 23:50
alright, I will STFU. Time for bed.

Last final thought. For me it hurts so bad because it did prove we belonged. We outplayed for the most part who many consider the 2nd best team in the NFL. I started to believe what I was seeing and it was really good.

Good night.
Go Pack Go!!!!!
I believed what I was seeing too and it was awesome! I didn't lose sight of it being a young team though. Ultimately youth bit us.

Re: Post-Game: 49ers 24 Packers 21

Posted: 21 Jan 2024 00:00
by Pckfn23
APB wrote:
20 Jan 2024 23:57
Drj820 wrote:
20 Jan 2024 23:16
go pak go wrote:
20 Jan 2024 23:12

I am going to be emotional. This one downright pisses me off. I think I'm most pissed at the football gods now.

Why do they hate us?
Being emotional is cool for fans. APB shouldn’t have tried to shame us. We all know it was a good year overall
:lol: :lol:

Shame you? I said some takes were hilarious. And they are.

Same old Packers? Choked another season away?

If you came away from this game thinking this is just another loser Packer team, that’s hilarious to me. These kids played their hearts out and achieved more than any of us dreamed they would. Sure, they came up short as many young teams often do but they never backed down from the challenge and arguably outplayed the mighty 49ers. On a short week. On the road. In the rain.

Be disappointed. But save the whiny, snively, “same old Packers” talk for your psychiatrist. These Packers are ballers and are just getting started.

Re: Post-Game: 49ers 24 Packers 21

Posted: 21 Jan 2024 00:02
by wallyuwl
German_Panzer wrote:
20 Jan 2024 23:48
I thought initially we have a 10-year-window now, but upon consideration we only have a window till Love will demand big bucks bc that is usually when awesome teams collapse into just good teams bc after paying your QB a king's ransom you cannot complement his team with other game changers anymore. So how long is the window?
Well, his play in the 4th quarter makes his price lower. He showed there are still question marks and he hasn't arrived yet.

Re: Post-Game: 49ers 24 Packers 21

Posted: 21 Jan 2024 00:03
by APB
Drj820 wrote:
20 Jan 2024 23:59
APB wrote:
20 Jan 2024 23:57
Drj820 wrote:
20 Jan 2024 23:16

Being emotional is cool for fans. APB shouldn’t have tried to shame us. We all know it was a good year overall
:lol: :lol:

Shame you? I said some takes were hilarious. And they are.

Same old Packers? Choked another season away?

If you came away from this game thinking this is just another loser Packer team, that’s hilarious to me. These kids played their hearts out and achieved more than any of us dreamed they would. Sure, they came up short as many young teams often do but they never backed down from the challenge and arguably outplayed the mighty 49ers. On a short week. On the road. In the rain.

Be disappointed. But save the whiny, snively, “same old Packers” talk for your psychiatrist. These Packers are ballers and are just getting started.

This is pro football.
That’s all you got? Weak.


Re: Post-Game: 49ers 24 Packers 21

Posted: 21 Jan 2024 00:04
by Drj820
wallyuwl wrote:
21 Jan 2024 00:02
German_Panzer wrote:
20 Jan 2024 23:48
I thought initially we have a 10-year-window now, but upon consideration we only have a window till Love will demand big bucks bc that is usually when awesome teams collapse into just good teams bc after paying your QB a king's ransom you cannot complement his team with other game changers anymore. So how long is the window?
Well, his play in the 4th quarter makes his price lower. He showed there are still question marks and he hasn't arrived yet.
Nah. His extension is still gonna be mega bucks.