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Re: Jordan Love 2023 Expectation/Player Comparison

Posted: 20 Nov 2023 14:06
by Yoop
go pak go wrote:
20 Nov 2023 14:00
Yoop wrote:
20 Nov 2023 13:59
go pak go wrote:
20 Nov 2023 13:45

30 minutes ago I seriously thought you understood how numbers on a football field work.

Now I know that assumption was incorrect. You absolutely do not know how numbers on a football field work.

And that's okay! This place is a space to learn. We would be happy to teach you as long as you don't insult the instructors.
wahhhhh ha, ask Acrobat, he knows how to add :rotf: I did learn how to do simple math back in the 50's they actually taught it then too, but I've gotten pretty stubborn now this last page, and now mostly I'am just laughing at you folk for thinking ya pulled a fast one on me.
Just to be clear we are not talking math. We are talking about understanding how the yardline markers work on a football field.
get serious

Re: Jordan Love 2023 Expectation/Player Comparison

Posted: 20 Nov 2023 14:09
by Pckfn23
Yoop wrote:
20 Nov 2023 14:05
I have seen nothing that shows Love tossed a 50 plus yrd reception ever in his life, not college or pro, maybe he has, I watched a lot of his college vids, never seen it
You have been shown 2 examples in this thread where Love completed a ball that traveled 50+ yards in the air. ... 9ac747.mp4 ... 3455144088

Re: Jordan Love 2023 Expectation/Player Comparison

Posted: 20 Nov 2023 14:09
by Labrev
bud fox wrote:
20 Nov 2023 14:04
Love has a below average to average arm.
Evidence: stats, game tape and play calls.
Nice troll post.

Re: Jordan Love 2023 Expectation/Player Comparison

Posted: 20 Nov 2023 14:10
by Half Empty
go pak go wrote:
20 Nov 2023 13:21
MY_TAKE wrote:
20 Nov 2023 13:16
go pak go wrote:
20 Nov 2023 13:08

Dude you gotta be fair here. That ball was released at the 37 yardline and was caught around the 12 yardline. 13 + 38 = 51 yards.

PLUS that ball was thrown on the left hash and landed near the sideline which is another 10 - 15 yards at least when using the angle.

You are really grabbing at straws trying to nitpick this throw. Additionally, you are using a sample population of 10 games of possible throws compared to Rodgers 14 years of throws in terms of establishing "who can throw it farther"

Rodgers didn't have a huge tape of long throws when looking at the first half of 2008 tape either. He didn't get the chance.
Looks like thrown from the 37 yard line and it would have landed around the 11. Either way its over 50 yards in the air without much trouble. He still had a little gas left. Just my opinion. Is someone watching different video than me?
you are going to find that yoop has a flawed memory, makes things up, doesn't read or watch videos, and ultimately likes to fight simply to fight - even when he agrees with you.

Quite frankly I should and have been ignoring more but I also don't want disinformation to be spoken so regularly that it eventually becomes as accepted fact.
If a couple of you WOULD not respond, we'd all only see the disinformation once. With the back-and-forth generated, it keeps on coming.

Re: Jordan Love 2023 Expectation/Player Comparison

Posted: 20 Nov 2023 14:15
by Yoop
Acrobat wrote:
20 Nov 2023 14:01
Yoop wrote:
20 Nov 2023 13:59
go pak go wrote:
20 Nov 2023 13:45

30 minutes ago I seriously thought you understood how numbers on a football field work.

Now I know that assumption was incorrect. You absolutely do not know how numbers on a football field work.

And that's okay! This place is a space to learn. We would be happy to teach you as long as you don't insult the instructors.
wahhhhh ha, ask Acrobat, he knows how to add :rotf: I did learn how to do simple math back in the 50's they actually taught it then too, but I've gotten pretty stubborn now this last page, and now mostly I'am just laughing at you folk for thinking ya pulled a fast one on me.

I think Love will have to provide more proof for u's folks to see my point, which is that Love will always struggle with accuracy deep, and it's because he can't drive a deep ball, he has to put to much air under it, was it you 23 that brought Rodgers deep hail Mary, that was a 60 plus yrd bomb, tons of air, again I don't think Love could ever make that throw, and thats OK, as long as the shorter ones are accurate.
No one feels they pulled a fast one on you. It would have just been a lot easier on you if you had said "oh yeah I watched the video again and the ball indeed did travel more than 40 yards. My bad, let's move on". Instead, you dig your heels in the ground so hard that you end up arguing an opinion that is factually proven wrong. Just trying to give you advice man. It's ok to be wrong sometimes, admit it, and move on.
I didn't become a member of this forum to roll over when others are wrong acrobat, I know it would be easier to let others manipulate me into thinking as they do, but there wrong.

I also know that a ball thrown from roughly our 45 to the opponents 11 is a 44 yrd air ball, I didn't just fall off a Packer bandwagon last night.

and that pass is the best imho from Love this season, it looked to have good foot work and tech, and he looked to have everything he had for arm strength throwing it, with that in mind, why would anyone conclude that Love has a strong NFL arm, it's imo about average in this NFL era.

Re: Jordan Love 2023 Expectation/Player Comparison

Posted: 20 Nov 2023 14:16
by bud fox
Labrev wrote:
20 Nov 2023 14:09
bud fox wrote:
20 Nov 2023 14:04
Love has a below average to average arm.
Evidence: stats, game tape and play calls.
Nice troll post.
We saw a good arm yesterday in Herbert.

Re: Jordan Love 2023 Expectation/Player Comparison

Posted: 20 Nov 2023 14:18
by Pckfn23
Yoop wrote:
20 Nov 2023 14:15

I also know that a ball thrown from roughly our 45 to the opponents 11 is a 44 yrd air ball, I didn't just fall off a Packer bandwagon last night.
It wasn't throw from our 45... :roll:
image.png (586.28 KiB) Viewed 523 times
That's the 37/38...

Re: Jordan Love 2023 Expectation/Player Comparison

Posted: 20 Nov 2023 14:18
Half Empty wrote:
20 Nov 2023 14:10
go pak go wrote:
20 Nov 2023 13:21
MY_TAKE wrote:
20 Nov 2023 13:16

Looks like thrown from the 37 yard line and it would have landed around the 11. Either way its over 50 yards in the air without much trouble. He still had a little gas left. Just my opinion. Is someone watching different video than me?
you are going to find that yoop has a flawed memory, makes things up, doesn't read or watch videos, and ultimately likes to fight simply to fight - even when he agrees with you.

Quite frankly I should and have been ignoring more but I also don't want disinformation to be spoken so regularly that it eventually becomes as accepted fact.
If a couple of you WOULD not respond, we'd all only see the disinformation once. With the back-and-forth generated, it keeps on coming.
I guess I keep responding because I am truly flabbergasted. The conversation is so ridiculous I feel punked. Its like I am arguing 2 + 2 = 36 instead of 4. Ok I can stop, but sometimes its so hard. LOL. :rotf:

Re: Jordan Love 2023 Expectation/Player Comparison

Posted: 20 Nov 2023 14:19
by APB
The last 3 pages of this thread give me less hope for mankind.

Re: Jordan Love 2023 Expectation/Player Comparison

Posted: 20 Nov 2023 14:20
by bud fox
go pak go wrote:
20 Nov 2023 13:21

Quite frankly I should and have been ignoring more but I also don't want disinformation to be spoken so regularly that it eventually becomes as accepted fact.
That was my heavy burden for years against all those on the forum who would say Rodgers is bad and blame him.

Do what you must to uphold the integrity of honest discourse.

Re: Jordan Love 2023 Expectation/Player Comparison

Posted: 20 Nov 2023 14:20
by Pckfn23
Here is what started all the fury:
Pckfn23 wrote: We know he has enough arm and it is pretty consistently short.
Posting so we don't get gaslighted by yoop.

Re: Jordan Love 2023 Expectation/Player Comparison

Posted: 20 Nov 2023 14:20
by Yoop
Pckfn23 wrote:
20 Nov 2023 14:09
Yoop wrote:
20 Nov 2023 14:05
I have seen nothing that shows Love tossed a 50 plus yrd reception ever in his life, not college or pro, maybe he has, I watched a lot of his college vids, never seen it
You have been shown 2 examples in this thread where Love completed a ball that traveled 50+ yards in the air. ... 9ac747.mp4 ... 3455144088
the second even says it's a 44 yrd air ball, the first I admit I missed on the yardage marker and it was a 60yrd throw, so It appears he does have a stronger arm then I considered, and that pass was beautiful, so why now are we seeing all the sky balls, why not a flatter trajectory as that pass seem to indicate he's capable of?

Re: Jordan Love 2023 Expectation/Player Comparison

Posted: 20 Nov 2023 14:23
by Pckfn23
Yoop wrote:
20 Nov 2023 14:20
Pckfn23 wrote:
20 Nov 2023 14:09
Yoop wrote:
20 Nov 2023 14:05
I have seen nothing that shows Love tossed a 50 plus yrd reception ever in his life, not college or pro, maybe he has, I watched a lot of his college vids, never seen it
You have been shown 2 examples in this thread where Love completed a ball that traveled 50+ yards in the air. ... 9ac747.mp4 ... 3455144088
the second even says it's a 44 yrd air ball
No, it is not. It is let go at our 38 and caught at the opponent 11. 12+39=51yards in the air. It is a 44 yard COMPLETION.

Re: Jordan Love 2023 Expectation/Player Comparison

Posted: 20 Nov 2023 14:23
by Yoop
Pckfn23 wrote:
20 Nov 2023 14:18
Yoop wrote:
20 Nov 2023 14:15

I also know that a ball thrown from roughly our 45 to the opponents 11 is a 44 yrd air ball, I didn't just fall off a Packer bandwagon last night.
It wasn't throw from our 45... :roll:
That's the 37/38...
different play

Re: Jordan Love 2023 Expectation/Player Comparison

Posted: 20 Nov 2023 14:24
by Pckfn23
Yoop wrote:
20 Nov 2023 14:23
Pckfn23 wrote:
20 Nov 2023 14:18
Yoop wrote:
20 Nov 2023 14:15

I also know that a ball thrown from roughly our 45 to the opponents 11 is a 44 yrd air ball, I didn't just fall off a Packer bandwagon last night.
It wasn't throw from our 45... :roll:
That's the 37/38...
different play
No, same play.
image.png (292.77 KiB) Viewed 502 times

Re: Jordan Love 2023 Expectation/Player Comparison

Posted: 20 Nov 2023 14:25
by bud fox
Yoop meant he can't throw 50 yards from the line of scrimmage.

Re: Jordan Love 2023 Expectation/Player Comparison

Posted: 20 Nov 2023 14:29
by Acrobat
bud fox wrote:
20 Nov 2023 14:25
Yoop meant he can't throw 50 yards from the line of scrimmage.
Haha well then we'd still have a video proving otherwise. :thwap:

Re: Jordan Love 2023 Expectation/Player Comparison

Posted: 20 Nov 2023 14:29
by Yoop
I was wrong, he did throw from the 38 yrd line, I apologize to the forum, still contend he needs better deep ball then he usually throws, imo that still his best deep ball all season.

Re: Jordan Love 2023 Expectation/Player Comparison

Posted: 20 Nov 2023 14:31
by Pckfn23
Yoop wrote:
20 Nov 2023 14:29
I was wrong, he did throw from the 38 yrd line, I apologize to the forum, still contend he needs better deep ball then he usually throws, imo that still his best deep ball all season.
I don't think anyone on the planet would disagree with you. :aok:

Re: Jordan Love 2023 Expectation/Player Comparison

Posted: 20 Nov 2023 14:40
by Labrev
bud fox wrote:
20 Nov 2023 14:16
Labrev wrote:
20 Nov 2023 14:09
bud fox wrote:
20 Nov 2023 14:04
Love has a below average to average arm.
Evidence: stats, game tape and play calls.
Nice troll post.
We saw a good arm yesterday in Herbert.
Lol which stats are evidence of arm-strength, below-average or otherwise? Throw Zippiness? :lol: Rockets Launched?? :rotf: